Example sentences of "he be encouraged [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And will he be encouraged in future to do pets and their owners ? )
2 He is encouraged by them and begins to speak more freely .
3 Mr Taylor said he was encouraged to ‘ dig in his heels ’ after reading an article in Money-Go-Round about the successful fight of Annette Price whose home insurance claim was refused because insurers queried the locks on her front door — despite the fact that the burglars had entered and left by a window .
4 • The mayor of Phoenix said he was encouraged by the positive response to the grand prix from the city .
5 MR PETER Robinson , deputy leader of the Democratic Unionist Party , said last night that he was encouraged by a speech by Mr Peter Brooke , the Northern Ireland Secretary , about talks to break the political deadlock .
6 And he was encouraged by the way he came through the first 10-round contest of his 33-fight unbeaten career .
7 And he was encouraged by the way he came through the first 10-round contest of his 33-fight unbeaten career .
8 In this he was encouraged by the Unitarian minister Mr Tarrant and a new friend , the literary critic James Ashcroft Noble .
9 Nicholson 's interest in writing was re-awakened by his scriptwriting assistance on The Terror , and his next project was a screenplay in which he was encouraged by Roger Corman , who thought it was a good idea because though he personally felt Nicholson showed great potential as an actor , others around him did not always agree .
10 In it , he entrusted his ‘ six sons ’ to the protection of his ‘ most celebrated and very dear friend ’ , adding that they were the products of long and laborious labour , but that he was encouraged by the hope that one day they would prove a source of consolation .
11 However , he was encouraged by a pre-sentence report which indicated the teenager had ‘ grown up ’ since last April 's attack .
12 He was encouraged by what he saw in these rekindled friendships .
13 But he was encouraged by his feelings for Deirdre , by his desire to impress her , perhaps also by some vague idea that to excite her sympathy would automatically make him more attractive to her .
14 Wycliffe was diplomatic , but in the end he was encouraged by the man 's attitude to put straight questions .
15 After meetings with President Bush , Secretary of State James Baker and Defence Secretary Richard Cheney , Olszewski said that he was encouraged by assurances of private investments .
16 He was encouraged by Garvey to polish it , but would have done so anyway : he had never before owned a mirror .
17 Yesterday the Rev John Wilson , minister at Corporation Road , said he was encouraged by local people 's response to efforts the church is making to provide a focus for a range of activities .
18 He first become involved in the Order when as a junior doctor he was encouraged by the promise of a bottle of beer by a colleague .
19 Liberal Democrat candidate Peter Bergg said he was encouraged by support when out canvassing .
20 He was encouraged by Queen Victoria to branch out from studio portraits , and his landscapes attracted widespread acclaim .
21 Dr Cox said that conclusions could not be drawn until repeat tests had been carried out , but he was encouraged by the initial results .
22 Mr Lang said he was encouraged by the interest in helping to run trusts which had allowed the base of selection to be broadened .
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