Example sentences of "he be born [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I found his blend of assurance , diffidence and wit beguiling , and I have often wondered what he might have done had he been born free .
2 Brett weighed a mere 1lb 5oz and was as short as a watchstrap when he was born seventeen weeks early .
3 He was born confident , sure of himself .
4 Sam weighed only 1lb 6oz when he was born 18 months ago .
5 He was born deaf , dumb and blind and was also mentally-deficient , and died in 1902 before he could accede to the bewildering duties and titles that went with the Dukedom of Norfolk , Earl Marshal of England .
6 Although he was born seventy-one years ago in New York , not Greece , Theodoros Stamos feels the pull of his Greek heritage with the force of the tides in the wine-dark sea .
7 Civil war has broken out among the poets of Ireland , which is why Patrick Kavanagh , bohemian and rural bard , now has two graves in Inniskeen , the County Monaghan village where he was born 85 years ago .
8 The grounds of the appeal were that ( 1 ) the judge misdirected himself in holding that the preliminary issue should be answered in the affirmative and/or in giving judgment on the preliminary issue for the plaintiff and ( 2 ) the defendants were not liable in negligence to the plaintiff for any injury , loss or damage suffered by him while a foetus and en ventre sa mère since he was born prior to the passing of the Congenital Diabilities ( Civil Liability ) Act 1976 and the common law did not recognise such a cause of action .
9 Assuming he was born 1850 Married 1880–1
10 He was born sixteen years ago , and we realised that first winter that there was something wrong .
11 He was born tired . ’
12 He was born prosperous and died rich , but he never owned more than a few acres around his house .
13 Wide-awake Vincent has snatched a maximum of four hours a night shut-eye since he was born 3 ½ years ago .
14 He was born independent , self-sufficient and still is , and I 'm left to wonder where the time went .
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