Example sentences of "he consider [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Which commandment did he consider to be the greatest ?
2 Defensively , he observes what he considers to be Debord 's virtues and comments on the latter 's avoidance of , as he puts it : ‘ the various pitfalls — formalist essentialism , aestheticist myopia , politically naive fetishism of reflexivity , and so on , typical of certain avant-garde practices linked to radical political agendas . ’
3 On writing about his perfect country house , Baillie Scott is adamantly opposed to the vulgar and proposes what he considers to be the simple open plan way of life : ‘ Having arrived at the central idea of a hall or living room as the keynote of a home it follows naturally that one must group round this the various other rooms … first the ‘ ladies ’ bower'' , the ‘ ‘ drawing-room' ’ as we now call it .
4 Ayer gives us an example of what he considers to be a meaningless theological statement : ‘ The Absolute enters into , but is itself incapable of , evolution and progress ’ .
5 He characterises the mining bourgeoisie in Peru as a corporate national bourgeoisie , which he considers to be progressive as it is nationalist and developmentalist .
6 The disadvantage is that the individual councillor , if he is a member of such a group , may be required to sub-ordinate what he considers to be in the best interests of his electors to what his group so consider .
7 Dr Bellamy gave a spirited call for the preservation of an area he considers to be one of the top 10 botanical sites in the world and told how he had sat in the rainforest imagining he was a dinosaur .
8 When it is suggested to him that it may be necessary and unavoidable to kill those who oppress mankind in the same way as it is necessary and unavoidable to hill a homicidal lunatic who threatens society , his reply is that no man is so evil as to be beyond redemption , and no man so perfect as to be justified in killing these whom he considers to be evil .
9 Higueras fondly remembers what he considers to be Chang 's greatest match .
10 At the same time Sartre makes a larger , though less persuasive claim that the boxing-match also works synecdochally and re-exteriorizes a more fundamental violence , namely the interiorized condition of scarcity that he considers to be the basis of conflict in general .
11 seize , render harmless or destroy any substance or article that he considers to be the cause of imminent danger of serious personal injury .
12 Whenever he 's away , Fred says he takes with him a Gucci washbag packed with what he considers to be the essential medication for the business traveller .
13 This was the approach adopted by the Divisional Court in Reg. v. Governor of Pentonville Prison , Ex parte Osman [ 1990 ] 1 W.L.R. 277 , 299–300 , where it was stated that the magistrate should reject any evidence which he considers to be worthless .
14 The problems that this can cause , which are often unintentional and the result of a lack of knowledge about modern agriculture , are sufficient to annoy any farmer already unhappy about what he considers to be unwarranted interference in his legitimate farming operations by busybody environmentalists .
15 ‘ The judge may read in words which he considers to be necessarily implied by words which are already in the statute , and he has a limited power to add to , alter or ignore statutory words in order to prevent a provision from being unintelligible or absurd or totally unreasonable , unworkable or totally irreconcilable with the rest of the statute . ’
16 ‘ He will go along with things he considers to be in the best interests of the service and staff , but when hard decisions need to be made Jimmy will not be found wanting . ’
17 The explosiveness of these articles by Nizan is doubtless explained as much by Nizan 's anger at the reporting restrictions imposed by the Garde des Sceaux on sub judice matters affecting fascist infiltration in France , as it is by his visceral fear and hatred of what he considers to be the terrible consequences of the spread of fascism within his homeland .
18 In addition to the normal Winning Ideas awards Dr Matthewson will select what he considers to be the top three suggestions .
19 Rejecting what he considers to be the uncomfortably fast Czerny metronome mark of 96 per bar for Haydn 's Symphony no.99 , Neumann states that ‘ this is certainly a fast minuet , beaten in one[ ; but ] it seems [ only ] to call for a tempo of ca.66 for the dotted half-note to convey its commodious gemütlich spirit . ’
20 Already , said station manager John Moares , 130 people had applied for early retirement in recent weeks a situation which he considers to be partly connected with the station 's uncertain future .
21 He specialised in collecting the work of four artists he considered to be the true Cubists , Picasso , Braque , Leger and Gris .
22 DAVID FEHERTY played what he considered to be the best golf of his life in the BMW tournament in Munich yesterday , thanks largely to a tip from a friend .
23 That the King was an industrious sovereign was never disputed , but his efforts were confined to what he considered to be ‘ royal business ’ — and this did not embrace an interest in the lives and welfare of his people at large .
24 The Emperor , however , had not sought power simply in order to dazzle contemporaries with spectacle , but rather with the aim of putting France in the forefront of general progress and restoring her to what he considered to be her rightful place in Europe .
25 His hatred of the Empress , whom he never forgave for producing a male heir and thus depriving him of the succession to the throne , together with his inveterate hostility to what he considered to be the ‘ reactionary powers ’ , led him at times into very deep waters indeed .
26 Burn said that immediately after the assessors were appointed he proposed that each judge should examine the schemes separately and indicate on them which he considered to be the best .
27 This was to be his most important contribution towards the new Foreign Office , but throughout the whole campaign , he unswervingly pursued what he considered to be the ideal solution to the problem .
28 He was asked by a pressman one day which position he considered to be Billy Turner 's best .
29 Once more Bukharin dwelt upon what he considered to be the unique character of the Russian revolution : that it was a combination of workers revolution and peasant war , which implied the need for a long-term alliance between the two classes .
30 During the course of his argument Bukharin sketched out what he considered to be the three variants of the development of agriculture under capitalism , these were :
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