Example sentences of "he [vb -s] believe [that] " in BNC.

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1 Every time a coach gives a lesson to a 5 or 6 year old child , he has to believe that he is giving a lesson to a future Wimbledon champion .
2 On the other hand , as a group activity it can be less than enjoyable for the shortest child in the group if he is continually identified as ‘ the shortest ’ , when he needs to believe that ‘ he 's a big boy , really ’ .
3 He chooses to believe that Hilary practically badgered her into her grave .
4 Amazingly , he seems to believe that none of us know about the Tesla factory in Czechoslovakia and the various tube factories in China . ’
5 Although he realises there is still a long way to go , he does believe that the UK 's second year results indicate a sustainable turnaround , adding that last year 's performance was very close to budget .
6 What the diffident schoolboy has lost is the confidence that his beliefs are tracking the truth ; he takes it that , although he does believe that p , it is at least as probable that he is wrong as that he is right .
7 But a malfunction occurs and he comes to believe that he really has been an intelligence agent who made a startling discovery on Mars …
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