Example sentences of "he [was/were] greet [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was greeted with massive and ironic cheers from the Opposition and listened to in almost total silence by our own benches .
2 As he entered a hall in Chard , disrupting a tea dance , he was greeted with the cry : ‘ Clear off . ’
3 When Nicholas returned to Parkhead to play his home debut in a showpiece friendly against Everton he was greeted with rapturous applause .
4 When he appeared before a great crowd of miners and their families in the primitive football stadium at Lupeni , he was greeted with catcalls about the ‘ red bourgeoisie ’ .
5 Launching into a big spiel about the merits of Hammond organs and '60s rarities , he was greeted with baffled looks all round .
6 When , on 4 December , Suenens called for a complete redrafting of the schema on the Church , he was greeted with prolonged applause and backed by Montini .
7 When Wellington entered Madrid , he was greeted with cries of ‘ Viva the peseta loaf ’ .
8 Attlee finally discovered that he was a figure of importance in British politics when he went to Potsdam with Churchill in July , and found that he was greeted with more warmth by the British forces in Berlin than Churchill himself .
9 When Swift returned to Worcester a few days later , he was greeted with the ringing of bells , illuminations and bonfires , at many of which could be heard the tune of " The King shall have his own again " .
10 At the Franz Joseph he was greeted with great style and they were led into the terrace restaurant , to a table with a magnificent view over the whole of the Hochhauser valley , once more covered in snow .
11 As he entered the school gates , he was greeted with sniggers from the small boys .
12 In all probability he was greeted at the tiny settlement known as The Lagoons by an impromptu ‘ corrobery ’ , just as the missionary James Backhouse had been the year before .
13 He was greeted by President Ben Ali and the Tunisian Cabinet on his arrival from Libya , where his plane crashed on Tuesday .
14 He rang the bell and when he was greeted by a rather surly butler he enquired , very politely , if it might be possible for him to speak with the Signora Calvino on a matter of the utmost urgency .
15 The Poema del Cid describes his return to Valencia , where he was greeted by Ximena and their daughters :
16 At first he was greeted by shouts and catcalls and Corbett wondered if the galley would refuse to heave-to and continue in its dash for the open sea .
17 As James himself came ashore , pale and exhausted , he was greeted by cries of ‘ Vive le roi ! ’ but it was evident that what might , copying later usage , be called ‘ The ‘ 08 ’ had been a disastrous failure .
18 Knocking at the first door , he was greeted by a woman with a cigarette in her mouth , curlers in her hair and flour on her hands .
19 Back in the paddock he was greeted by a stream of expletives .
20 Bothwell 's men had to carry their leader back to Hermitage , where he was greeted by the mortifying news that the prisoners had overpowered their guards and taken charge of the castle .
21 The excitement was very high , and the pressure of the other chimpanzees in the tree forced him down on the ground , where he was greeted by the screaming females .
22 Instead he was greeted by Ras Tasamma , the Regent , and by Lij Yasu , the Emperor 's fifteen-year-old grandson and heir .
23 With the scratch golfer 's appreciation of a demanding test of skill , he loves Royal Portrush , and appreciates just as much the way he was greeted by the club .
24 He was greeted by President Vaclav Havel , Marian Calfa , the Federal Prime Minister , and Alexander Dubcek , Chairman of the Federal Assembly .
25 He was greeted by 5,000 UNITA supporters and was met at the airport by government representatives .
26 Among the former are many participles , both present and past : ( 26 ) the watching crowd started to laugh he was greeted by smiling well-wishers the injured man had been feeding the orang-utan but participles do not exhaust the possibilities : ( 27 ) the angry bartender slammed the drink down five empty tumblers were standing by his elbow Notice , too , the clear ambiguity of : ( 28 ) a flashing light as meaning either a light which is flashing on some particular occasion , or one which normally has this characteristic .
27 A citizen of West Germany and a member of the European Parliament , he was greeted by the crowds as one of their own .
28 Mr Hurd also visited Hartlepool 's new £160m marina yesterday where he was greeted by Conservative candidate Graham Robb .
29 He was greeted by a sign printed in blue on gold which read : ‘ Charlie Trumper , the honest trader .
30 On arriving he was greeted by a young family and made his way through the clean , tastefully decorated hallway into the lounge .
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