Example sentences of "he [modal v] cope with " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand he must cope with routines where the demand is for precise obedience to established instructions and on the other hand he might suddenly be faced with a need to respond in a creative manner totally outside any instructions .
2 ‘ I dare say he 'll cope with preparing food the day before .
3 That was as much as he felt he could cope with for a while , but he was soon to be ‘ prevailed upon by government ’ to become chairman of British Steel in double harness with the Tate $ Lyle job .
4 Geoff Link had a firm grasp of classroom techniques and a deep knowledge of children , so he could cope with a small part of his week in exploration of a subject matter with which he had only a tenuous acquaintance .
5 ‘ He knew if he had said he was an alcoholic there would be an enormous amount of interest and he had to gauge when he could cope with that . ’
6 What was more , the Substitute gave the impression that he could cope with any third party interference , at any level , with nothing more than the pursed lips and flicker of amusement with which he seemed to regard everything that went on around him .
7 Bradl also found he could cope with pressure last season .
8 He had then gone to Hollywood in the early fifties and stayed there long enough to show that he could cope with the system and be moderately successful , but not so long as to alienate his chauvinistic British following .
9 His manner relaxed , as if he felt he could cope with ignorance , if not defiance .
10 If fitzAlan expected her to explain everything , he could cope with the truth , she decided angrily .
11 He 's something of a hermit by nature and imagined he could cope with it all by himself , apart from getting in labour when necessary . ’
12 He was eighteen but still a lad , awkward , like his arms and legs were longer than he could cope with .
13 Even Idris who er they 're desperate for but he Idris did n't think you know , he could cope with the four churches .
14 He had headaches , toothache , his anxiety about the coming week and how he would cope with it had given him a fever .
15 Kim stared back at him , making no response , wanting to see how Spatz would deal with his intransigence ; how he would cope with this direct assault on his authority .
16 a few times a week and I think it sounded like three cos she was wondering how he would cope with driving and everything .
17 Even at the time of his admission and immediately prior to surgery when he has been given a great deal of information , his overriding concern is how he will cope with a stoma and whether he will be able to manage at home .
18 He er , he will cope with Lazzards at the same time , so James , over to you .
19 And Cottee testifies to the personal trauma that hangs over Shearer unless he can cope with the strain , media attention and the taunts from the terraces .
20 Unlike his predecessor , he can cope with the role 's high tessitura without strain and his pitching is more secure .
21 He says he 's pleased and he hopes he can cope with what they want .
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