Example sentences of "he [verb] her face " in BNC.

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1 He checked her face for sincerity before going to the other room , returning with a photograph in a fancy tin frame .
2 It was Rune who broke the close embrace , lifting his head away , his hands still tender on her shoulders as he scanned her face , his own features harshly set .
3 He wiped her face , licked the tears from her .
4 He stroked her face .
5 He stroked her face , with its one bright red cheek , one pale .
6 He stroked her face , and then ran his fingers through her hair , looking at it as if it were made of some delicate , finely spun silk .
7 He framed her face in his hands and let his gaze pour over her .
8 With both hands he framed her face .
9 Tenderly , he massaged her face until there was no cream left .
10 He caught her face in his hands .
11 He lifted her face and stroked the hair from her eyes .
12 He lifted her face , cupping it in warm hands .
13 He lifted her face , looking down at her , and Maggie 's slender arms tightened around his neck .
14 He lifted her face , his lips moving over her skin hungrily , and the sensuous pleasure was there at once with no need at all for him to arouse her .
15 His hands slid into her hair and he lifted her face to him .
16 He cupped her face in his hands .
17 When she just looked up at him he cupped her face in his hand .
18 He cupped her face , his eyes tender .
19 He cupped her face in his hands , moaning softly as he drew her resisting body towards him .
20 She tensed , preparing to struggle , but purposefully he turned her to face him and before she had chance to utter one single protest he cupped her face in his strong hands and brought his lips down on hers , silencing anything she might have been about to say .
21 His breath caught in his throat and he cupped her face in his hands , his fingers becoming entangled in her hair while urgently his gaze searched her face .
22 Running his fingers into her dark , silky hair , he cupped her face between his palms .
23 He cupped her face in his hands .
24 He cupped her face and looked deep into her eyes .
25 His hand shook as he cupped her face .
26 Kindly , he dried her face on a tea-towel , helped her on with her coat and shepherded her down the stairs .
27 His eyes narrowed as he studied her face .
28 He studied her face closely for the effect of this extraordinary proposal .
29 He studied her face .
30 His eyes were a deep , dark grey , almost drugged , she saw as he turned her face up to his , and she guessed her own face must reflect the same emotions .
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