Example sentences of "on display [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He had n't hit her , or snatched her camera , but stood square to her , holding his hands up as if he knew not to , bouncing on the balls of his feet , while Jean-Claude and his group looked on , keeping very still , and Miranda wondered , for a moment , if the camera were rolling , for she felt on display under George 's attack .
2 In view of the contemporary architects whose work is on display beside Ruskin 's , it will be interesting to see in which style the projected Ruskin Library is built .
3 The unit went on display at Risley site earlier this month and moves to Capenhurst [ March 23–24 ] , Springfields [ March 25–26 ] , Sellafield [ March 30-31 ] and Chapelcross [ April 2–3 ] before an official public opening at the Edinburgh Science Festival .
4 A number of other dinosaur bones found nearby are currently on display at Swindon Museum — an exhibition which doubtless owes its popularity to a movie that 's doing rather well at the box office .
5 This week , his first professional work goes on display at Manchester 's Opera House with his £300,000 designs for the Birmingham Royal Ballet 's Romeo and Juliet .
6 Recent paintings by Peter Joseph on display at Laage-Salomon will be followed on 10 October by two artists chosen by the critic Françoise Claire Prodhon : Laurent Joubert ( conceptual paintings ) and Germany 's Jutta Koether .
7 Recent paintings and drawings by this Italian artist will be on display at Di Meo throughout October and until 21 November .
8 A number of the West Somerset Railway 's steam and diesel fleet will be on display at Bishops Lydeard station , featuring trips onto locomotive footplates .
9 It went on display at London 's Hosiery Show yesterday .
10 The Ashes urn is to make one of its rare trips away from Lord 's during November , when cricket 's most famous trophy will be on display at London 's Victoria & Albert Museum .
11 Tomorrow all that hard-won muscle will be on display at Wembley when Wigan-born Davey , 29 , better known as WWF idol British Bulldog , takes on Bret ‘ Hit Man ’ Hart in the sell-out SummerSlam 92 spectacular .
12 Olwen Jones ' new watercolours and etchings will be on display at Printworks Gallery , Colchester , from Saturday .
13 Eleven-year-old Lisa Barker 's art work goes on display at Hartlepool 's Gray Art Gallery and Museum from May 1 as artist of the month .
14 Luciano Pavarotti is one of the stars visiting Glasgow during 1990 , as it celebrates its year as cultural capital of Europe CAPTION FOR TABLOID PAGE34 The Dinosaur Roadshow is on display at Newcastle : see Events
15 Opalka is still on display at Froment-Putman and ‘ Obsessions ’ ( Creten , Ming , Pensato , Segre and von Stockhausen ) at Anne de Villepoix .
16 The assortment of star quality on display at Thursday 's Starsearch heat in Derry 's Delacroix Inn had the judging panel transfixed .
17 Her magnificent antique collection , which includes a 110-year-old Black Forest Clock , is very popular with other dedicated clockwatchers , and has even been put on display at Gloucester Museum .
18 On completion the project would go on display at Burns garage for a while and then be used to try and generate more interest in aviation in the area .
19 This FGR.2 joins F-4J ( UK ) ZE359 already on display at Duxford .
20 This will be on display at Duxford in due course .
21 Z2033 remained on display at Duxford in its naval colours until September 1989 when Ken Evans and Herbie Church , two volunteers with the IWM , started work to tidy up the aircraft , working at the outset just one or two days a week .
22 The three now make a valuable contribution to the IWM 's collection of naval aeroplanes on display at Duxford .
23 P–59B 44–22633 on display at Edwards .
24 Brenninkmeyer , together with funding from the federal government and the Land , are paying for the work to be done before the treasures go back on display in Quedlinburg next summer .
25 He could testify to seeing many books on display in Romania in foreign languages including German and Hungarian .
26 Until the regionalisation of local government in 1975 , the papingo trophy was on display in Kilwinning Town Chambers but when the local council ceased to exist , the piece of historic silverware was placed in safe-keeping to await the selection of a new home .
27 One of the oldest fire engines in the world has gone on display in Edinburgh today , alongside it 's newest counterpart to mark the seventy fifth anniversary of the founding of an organisation that helps fire services across the world .
28 One of the oldest fire engines in the world has gone on display in Edinburgh today , alongside it 's newest counterpart to mark the seventy fifth anniversary of the founding of an organisation that helps fire services across the world .
29 Science : Windows on worlds beyond Science editor RogerHighfield spotlights the best of British space wizardry about to go on display in Seville
30 They include Dittborn , Porter , Molinas-Campos , Rojas , Caldas , Senise and Jaar , whose works were recently on display in Seville .
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