Example sentences of "on offer [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 That was what the present had on offer to Michael Holly .
2 Of the pieces on offer at Christie 's the most important is a gold and Columbian emerald cross set with sixty-six stones with a highly distinctive engraved reverse which would once have been enamelled or possibly filled in with niello ( est. £150–200,000 ) .
3 First division football is on offer at Aston Villa and rugby , speedway and greyhound racing are also regularly staged .
4 A PART-time course on the Ulster ‘ troubles ’ is on offer at Queen 's University next month .
5 The present steam engine rides which were on offer at Radstock on the Somerset and Avon Railway .
6 He will be looking at ways of improving health and fitness activities currently on offer at Northallerton , Thirsk and Stokesley leisure centres .
7 An afternoon at Underhill is enough to explain the addiction of fans who eschew the more sophisticated fare on offer at Arsenal and Tottenham to support the Bees .
8 But it 's not just music that 's on offer at Lydiard. 50 000 litres of gas will be used to launch at least 100 hot air balloons … the climax , a Night Glow on Monday in which the balloons will be choreographed to music and fireworks .
9 A chamber-pot is said to be on offer with Mozart on the outside and Salieri inside ; and in the bookshops , serious biographical and analytical works are well hidden under a catch-crop of sugary Mozart nostalgia .
10 Retailing analysts in the City believe Kingfisher will have to pay far more than the 120p a share now on offer for Dixons to have a realistic chance of winning its cash bid .
11 As well as promoting wheelchair basketball , John was enthusiastically encouraging others to take part in fencing , tennis , indoor carpet bowls , table tennis , and boccia , all of which were on offer on Saturday .
12 Careers offices now hold a stock of 197 unfilled vacancies , compared with the 160 jobs on offer in February .
13 Of course , Chesterfield 's range of occupations was limited when compared with what was on offer in Worcester , Leicester or York , but the stalls and shops gathered in and around the market place provided goods and services that attracted rural families from miles around .
14 Another unusual offering , one perhaps for Christmas if one could be found , would be an example of the souvenir rayon handkerchiefs which were on offer in RAF Officers ' and Sergeants ' Messes during 1940/1941 .
15 Her work would be a pleasure to live with at any price and the £9,000 to £13,000 range seems modest compared with much of the contemporary art on offer in London .
16 The rooms are claimed to be the largest on offer in London , averaging 50 sq metres .
17 The contract ensures that if you decide to cash in after five years in April 1997 , you will not get less than the unit price on offer in April 1996 .
18 Ornstein is rightly scathing about many of the spiritual nostrums on offer in America from the Marin County psychotherapists to ‘ pop yoga ’ .
19 IF you are still stuck for which college course to take this autumn , here are three on offer in America .
20 As yet , there is only a small number of multi-disciplinary courses on offer in England and Wales , but it is an important development which should be encouraged .
21 All of this has spawned an unexpected exodus of new , young diplomats prospecting for a stylish Euro- citizenship in marked preference to what is on offer in Britain .
22 It is likely to have a very wide readership — made up not only of the 500 or so Open University students following the course each year , but also the many women embarking one of the women 's studies courses now on offer in Britain and Europe .
23 MORE THAN 2,000 rights for sheep quotas were on offer in Lanark Mart .
24 Puffin , gull , pony and , of course , fish are all on offer in Reykjavik 's superb , if expensive , restaurants .
25 Each year an increasing number of people take up yoga to aid relaxation and treat stress-related illnesses , and courses are currently on offer in Queen 's University and Holywood .
26 It was great to have you — and , as always , you put on an attractive and generous display of what is on offer from Traidcraft .
27 This type of cover is on offer from Allianz , Legal Protection Group , DAS , IRPC and Hambro Legal Protection .
28 He applied for , and won , several scholarships , but was particularly attracted to a scholarship in oil engineering that was on offer from Birmingham University .
29 A BONUS payment for investments left untouched for a year is on offer from Birmingham Midshires Building Society .
30 As such , she qualifies for The Professional Plan that is on offer from BNP .
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