Example sentences of "on human [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( on human rights movements ) in Bank-head Academy , Aberdeen This project allows pupils great freedom to structure their own research into some aspect of the life of Gandhi , Mother Teresa of Calcutta or Martin Luther King Junior .
2 taking the initiative in providing materials on human rights charters and conventions in local languages and in different appropriate places , institutions and fora ;
3 Produced in six bi-monthly parts it gives an up-to-date , comprehensive summary of all decisions on human rights cases heard at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg .
4 General Galtieri was acquitted on human rights charges but sentenced first by a military court , then , on appeal , by a civilian court on his conduct of the 1982 Falklands War .
5 Almost from the outset , the measure provoked fierce ethical debate , and while the 12 nations of the European Community continued to grapple with commercial aspects of biotechnology , the 26-nation Council of Europe has been working toward an international convention on human rights questions in bioethics .
6 A report on human rights abuses drawn up by a " national commission for truth and reconciliation " , appointed by President Patricio Aylwin Azócar in April 1990 , was due to be published in the near future .
7 Guzmán had voted against a measure for the pardon of political prisoners imprisoned under the 1973-1990 regime ( given final congressional approval on March 23 ) , and had strongly rejected the report on human rights abuses released by President Aylwin on March 4 [ see pp. 37958 ; 38095 ] .
8 They urged the churches to provide literature in local languages on human rights issues and to teach human rights in schools and colleges .
9 Specific recommendations to WACC 's African Regional Association included : setting up networks for the exchange of information on human rights issues ; helping develop leadership and resources for media literacy education ; ensuring participatory communication by ensuring fair representation of denominations , gender , professions , nations and languages .
10 setting aside a particular Sunday of their choice annually as Human Rights Day , for prayer and reflection on human rights issues .
11 In most of those countries , however , writers and publishers on human rights issues are confronted by censorship , harassment and violence .
12 In most of those countries , however , writers and publishers on human rights issues are confronted by censorship , harassment and violence .
13 The US-based Africa Watch on Jan. 18 , and the international human rights organization Amnesty International on Jan. 25 , published reports further damaging the Barre regime 's image on human rights issues .
14 Amnesty called on the government ( which had recently set up a human rights task force and an inquiry into alleged atrocities ) to admit the extent of abuses in the past , including its own role , in order to clear the atmosphere for a fresh approach on human rights observance .
15 Powers given to the authorities under the Public Order Act of 1986 are clearly within the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights Article 11 .
16 I have just received David Bull 's appeal for funds , with the short version of Amnesty 's report on Human Rights Violations in Iraqi Occupied Kuwait ( since August 1990 ) enclosed .
17 Secondly , we have never run an advertisement on human rights violations in Iraqi Occupied Kuwait .
18 They produced a steady stream of protests on human rights violations and , criticizing the most apparent failings of the capitalist system and class society , sought to dispel the traditional fatalism of the poor .
19 The new Archbishop Rivera y Damas remains outspoken on human rights violations and continues much of the legal work sponsored by the former Archbishop .
20 Rettig report on human rights violations
21 On March 4 President Patricio Aylwin Azócar released the report , delivered to him in early February , of the government 's Truth and Reconciliation Commission ( CVR ) on human rights violations committed between September 1973 and March 1990 under the right-wing military regime of Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte .
22 Participants in the London Conference agreed on a declaration which condemned " the expulsion of civilian communities from their homes " , undertook to collate information on human rights violations and outlined terms for a political settlement .
23 The visit met some Soviet opposition on human rights grounds ; The Times reported a demonstration in Moscow on April 23 by Soviet human rights activists , and The Guardian reported that the Moscow city council had tabled a resolution protesting at the visit .
24 The issue had pitted Defence Minister Robert Ray , who had backed service senior personnel opposed to the lifting of the ban against Attorney General Michael Duffy , who had advocated lifting the ban on human rights grounds .
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