Example sentences of "be easily [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Without genuine faith , experience can be easily counterfeited by emotionalism .
2 The civilian guards could be easily overpowered by an IRA unit which could then drive a huge van bomb virtually unchallenged to the rear of Parliament Buildings .
3 Lord Mackay supported a recent suggestion by Lord Donaldson that small claims procedures should be easily operated by the do-it-yourself litigant .
4 I have made calculations that indicate that transoceanic travel is not only feasible but could be easily achieved by an intelligent species only slightly in advance of us .
5 The removal of technical barriers may not be easily achieved by regulation ; changes of attitude will be needed to recognise the freedom of investors to receive the best return on their capital .
6 These are the areas that can be easily tackled by the amateur , without the expensive tools needed for carpeting larger areas .
7 The problem list is most useful when it can be easily displayed at team meetings .
8 Taken in isolation , it is a view that might be easily dismissed as trivial sentimentality .
9 The former can be easily damaged by careless use or everyday wear and tear , while the latter can fray due to fittings swaying in the breeze , and can become brittle with age .
10 However , what is perceived as the belligerent , aggressive , lively , gregarious character of the Afro-Caribbean pupil , can not be easily ignored by the teachers , and presents a constant reminder of the nature of the school .
11 There was a plentiful supply of cheap labour that could be easily employed in tiny sweatshops .
12 The CM-1300 provides increased disk storage capacity up to a maximum of 48Gb and features an upright cabinet designed so that the system can be easily upgraded to higher performance RISC technology by exchanging processor boards in the future .
13 I am not now going to engage in lamentations about the ignorance and lack of reading of present-day undergraduates , though I have done so in my time , and could be easily provoked into them again .
14 They can be easily distinguished from closed back rugs by the white threads of inserted wefting running across the back .
15 Awnings must be able to be easily customised with logos and graphics ; all the better , if the canopy material is transulucent to allow back lighting to illuminate the restaurant 's name at night .
16 It has a graphical user interface , provides SQL database support and can be easily customised for a variety of applications such as publishing , insurance , legal , retail distribution , health care , aerospace and government .
17 It has a graphical user interface , provides SQL database support and can be easily customised for a variety of applications such as publishing , insurance , legal , retail distribution , health care , aerospace and government .
18 The probe can be easily implanted in muscle , liver , kidneys etc and even intravenously , without affecting blood pressure .
19 Obviously , even in a statistically developed country it is an almost insurmountable task to achieve completeness in reporting spontaneous abortions , since an early miscarriage , particularly in the first weeks of pregnancy , can be easily mistaken as a late menses and some spontaneous abortions may not seem sufficient cause to some women for them to seek medical attention .
20 The general position remains one of fragmented concern ; years of relative neglect of this group can not , of course , be easily compensated for by debate and good intentions .
21 They sit tight , are unlikely to budge unless really disturbed and can be easily shot with a .22 rifle or even a high-powered air rifle .
22 There are many species , though , which with a little initial research can be easily reared by conscientious amateurs .
23 However , attempts to reduce the proportion of voting rights as the size of holdings increased were doomed to failure since the requirement could be easily evaded by splitting holdings and vesting them in nominees .
24 It should be easily handled by two .
25 Compared with the measurement of alkalinisation and salinisation , whose samples of soil can be easily gathered at one point in time and the electrical conductivity of saturation extracts gauged , the measurement of soil loss is more demanding .
26 There is , however , a torque which may be easily calculated for a rectangular loop .
27 The alkaloid , thebaine , can be easily converted into codeine by demethylation .
28 This choice reflected both the potential application of the eventual system ( i.e. , the Banking and Estate Agents ) and ease of availability ( the Music documents could be easily collected from a research bulletin board ) .
29 Competitor press releases and financial statements , for example , can be easily collected by the corporate legal or communications staff ; relevant government reports and filings can probably be acquired through the legal department or by company lobbyists at the state or national level ; the investor relations staff can get security analysts ' reports ; and so on .
30 Modern surveying equipment such as Electronic Distance Measurement devices greatly facilitate this , not least because of their ability to store survey readings on data loggers , small electronic devices that record a large number of readings in a form that can later be easily transferred to a personal computer ( fig. 9.8 ) .
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