Example sentences of "be readily [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Its wide colour and textural range , much wider than that offered by watercolour , can be readily explored in front of the landscape .
2 Such an equilibrium is a first stage in the development of presence , and can be readily observed in living organisms .
3 The amount of attrition can be readily observed in the rounded nature of many cliffs below the high tide level and in the rounding of the beach material itself .
4 One of the most important trends which can be readily observed in Japan , the USA and Western Europe is the automation of the manufacturing industry .
5 First , good generalization from A to B can be readily explained in terms of mediation by the associate .
6 This bit of park had just enough hint of wilderness to be readily transformed in imagination into prairie , canyon , rain forest , river delta , open sea .
7 Charity schools were inexpensive and could be readily supplied in the boom years , while even such an early champion of the bourgeoisie as Defoe could approve their attack on sloth and indiscipline as going to the heart of the problem of the labouring poor .
8 Sure , the DNA was perhaps a little preoccupied with carrying the genetic memory , but could not the memories of a lifetime be readily encoded in the myriad of potential unique protein sequences ?
9 Whilst most writers resort to some form of categorization of responses , there is a general emphasis , underlined by Kaelin , that , whilst such structuring may be useful for learning or communication , its value is transitory and it should be readily discarded in favour of the unity of the aesthetic experience itself .
10 I believe that such statements are likely to be readily identified in Parliamentary proceedings and the cases in which they are relevant will be determined by the nature of the subject matter .
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