Example sentences of "with [adj] amounts of " in BNC.

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1 The persistence of the gluten sensitive enteropathy was definitely assessed in the other 17 patients by an open challenge with normal amounts of daily gluten .
2 The new AB TGI for 1991 has revealed that the Sunday Express has an outstanding level of coverage of AB Adults with sizeable amounts of savings and investments .
3 This will only happen , however , if such situations are approached subsequently with decreasing amounts of assistance from medication .
4 Season with plenty of freshly ground black pepper and serve immediately with generous amounts of fresh Parmesan , either grated or flaked with a knife .
5 We began with fried scallops and chicken satay , both of which showed strong influences of the parent restaurant in Brussels : the scallops were particularly good , plumped with generous amounts of butter and crunchy garlic .
6 Taken together these two relationships will improve on the current single relationship by allowing for shifts in consumer spending between commodities with different amounts of value added .
7 Once we have price adjustment factors for a given set of bonds , we can use them to price different bonds with different amounts of the factors embodied in them .
8 Grazers are the most conspicuous native fauna ; the larger ones in general are able to cope with vast amounts of coarse grass , while the smaller ones tend to be slightly more delicate feeders .
9 Police described the syndicate as ‘ lifestyle criminals with vast amounts of money and no legitimate means of support ’ .
10 Swamping future historians with vast amounts of digital information may impede their research as they attempt to navigate through it .
11 Floristically such regions are complex ( Johnson and Tothill 1985 ) , the common feature being a continuous grass layer with varying amounts of trees and/or shrubs .
12 The first three of the boots I tested are all fabric ( Cordura ) , reinforced with varying amounts of suede and fitted with a Gore-Tex bootie .
13 Since r74(1–435) was reproducibly less active than r74(1–517) , a fixed amount of r30 was mixed with varying amounts of each of these r74 proteins ( Fig. 5C ) .
14 Paint with varying amounts of pressure for a realistic appearance .
15 And this , as he put it , to face , in addition to guerrillas , 50 fully equipped enemy infantry battalions equipped with liberal amounts of artillery and mortars .
16 Of all the shapes my favourite is penne — medium-sized tubes of pasta that fill up with large amounts of sauce .
17 The team at the Sistine have admitted that the cleaning techniques used involving removal of the solvent gel with large amounts of water has introduced solvent into the fabric of the fresco .
18 But making bread with large amounts of guar — more than 10 per cent — creates problems .
19 A I suspect the worms are Planarian Flatworms , which tend to appear in aquariums with large amounts of organic matter , particularly in the filter bed .
20 This was set against a background of rocks , sand , barbed wire and empty ammunition boxes , with large amounts of fake snow sprayed over everything .
21 The largest value ( 6 kJ mol -1 ) is derived from the most exothermic stacking interaction , whereas in mixed-sequence DNA low exothermicities result in smaller free energy costs consistent with large amounts of entropically favourable residual motion ( torsional vibration ) in the rotors .
22 Until the 1950s there were few tournaments with substantial amounts of prize-money .
23 One way round this apparent impasse is to collide together particles with equal amounts of energy travelling in opposite directions ; then all the energy is available to create new particles .
24 The elution profile of C cholesterol of the three lipid mixture prepared with equal amounts of the different phospholipids is shown in Figure 1 .
25 ‘ The city is too easily stereotyped as a bleak and industrial wasteland full of flat-capped frustrated poets and musos consoling themselves with endless amounts of ale .
26 Feminists tend to start by asking the survivors of this violence what they want and need , and hence have focused their efforts on assisting these women , often with considerable amounts of voluntary labour .
27 The activity of the mixture augmented with increasing amounts of r74 and reached a plateau at a molar concentration of r74 which was approximately equal to that of r30 ( Fig. 5C ) .
28 Titration of the radioactively labelled DNA duplexes with increasing amounts of wild-type Dcm enzyme or its Cys177Ser mutant confirmed near identity of the DNA binding properties of the two forms of the enzyme in quantitative detail ( data not shown ) .
29 For analysis of receptor numbers and affinity cells were incubated with increasing amounts of 1 2 5 I-EGF ( 30–4000 fmoles ) for 2.5 hours , and non-specific binding determined at each point by inclusion of a 1–2 µg/ml of unlabelled EGF in replicate cultures .
30 With increasing amounts of protein , higher order complexes containing more than one VT2X peptide were observed ( results not shown , but see Figure 5 ) .
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