Example sentences of "with [art] idea of " in BNC.

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1 I know I 'm not in a position to be choosy , but I ca n't cope with the idea of living there — it 's just beyond
2 With every approach , try to get into the habit of thinking ahead about the height of he final turn and to become familiar with the idea of using the airbrakes to bring you down so that the final turn is not too high .
3 The kind of nose that flirts with the idea of being stroked and kissed and nibbled .
4 Thanks to his hobby some splendid pictures of his son and daughter 's early life were preserved — on their tricycles , walking through the local park , playing with their cousins , skating and skiing , and some more imposing ones of them with the grown-ups — getting into the car while Kerry the chauffeur holds the door open ; looking very serious with the uncles and aunts , their mother appearing to be taken up with the idea of not being photographed with them !
5 Doug Laughton , with injuries to Emosi Koloto and Mike O'Neill , toyed with the idea of moving Tony Myler into the pack and playing Davies at stand-off , but decided to keep the Welshman at centre , where he will come into direct confrontation with Meninga .
6 ‘ I had holidayed several times in France and was toying with the idea of buying a house there , but with no definite plan in mind .
7 Prior came forward with the idea of a form of ‘ rolling devolution ’ , with an elected assembly of seventy-eight members and a thirteen-man executive .
8 A girl I was seeing pretty regularly had gone to France on an exchange visit to Tours I took a job for a couple of weeks in a lino warehouse with the idea of getting some money together
9 In 1921 , for example , we find the police warning against setting up a ‘ continental system of domestic espionage ’ in Britain ( p. 6 ) Even SIS , which had designs on MI5 in 1945 , shied away from the latter 's counter-subversive functions , so as not to be ‘ associated with the idea of an internal Gestapo , ( p. 177 ) No wonder governments are nervous of too much openness in this area .
10 Sir Adrian seems unhappy with the idea of drawing up a vast catalogue of top management attributes and is more inclined to the view that being a good senior executive is something gleaned from hard experience .
11 The five dogs on the other end of it were not impressed with the idea of going backwards and battle was joined .
12 These results do not require us to dispense with the idea of an internal body clock , if only because they appear very rarely in experiments lasting only a week or so .
13 The clash between Balcon 's nationalism and the Ostrers ' requirement that he pursue international popularity led to the signs of strain that are evident in much of the Gaumont-British output , and it is easy to understand why Balcon became so disillusioned with the idea of international production .
14 Female artists are allowed to be vulnerable , frail , because this corresponds with the idea of woman as lack .
15 Others agreed with the idea of a sanctuary , but suggested that it should be situated somewhere else where there would be no conflicts with recreational fishing , prompting Steve Dawson to draw the analogy of ‘ putting a plaster on your bum to treat a boil on your forehead . ’
16 Some people in the liberal Free Democratic party , the junior partner in the government , had been toying with the idea of switching their support to the Social Democrats after December .
17 In the mid-1960s the Kremlin , seeing that the economic system was not working , briefly flirted with the idea of changing it .
18 Even ignoring the fact that they were meant as definitions of natures or essences , Gassendi finds something wrong with the idea of finding universal propositions for the premisses of a scientific syllogism .
19 ‘ So it came up with the idea of an amnesty on illegal weapons . ’
20 In these verses , and I could have easily quadrupled them , we are presented with the idea of Christ dying for us .
21 He resented the price of all these things and toyed with the idea of starting a relationship with a beautician with a view to getting free samples .
22 He toyed with the idea of creating a little angst in her life to slow her down .
23 He toyed with the idea of telling her she was n't woman enough for him , but decided not to .
24 He toyed with the idea of holding Eleanor 's hand and getting romantic .
25 Mental imbalance should also be excluded , since that seems inconsistent with the idea of an ‘ ordinary person ’ , and the defence should be one of diminished responsibility .
26 I wanted to be a writer ( hence the course ) but was also toying with the idea of the group , which I pursued full time after finishing .
27 An alkali will obviously have to be introduced to neutralise the acid and I am toying with the idea of lime in one form or another .
28 I am unable to cope with the idea of being any heavier than I am now , and would not like to have a period , since I would feel I had ‘ let up ’ control over my body .
29 The journey was conceived and prepared through a Scottish winter with the idea of setting out in the spring .
30 I feel that children should be brought up with the idea of doing the best they can — for themselves . ’
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