Example sentences of "with [art] situation [adv] " in BNC.

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1 With the situation well under control it is time to return to the Company HQ .
2 that is a luxury I think erm to be able to do it , if you want to write and earn money , which I do as well as , as socialize while I 'm working erm you 've got to find ways of , of , of doing that and erm just writing books and poetry just would n't , I , I , I could n't survive on that , I really do have to find other ways of , of earning money which is enjoying more and also uses of my skill and erm I would think you 'd need to be in contact with the situation rather than you not knowing , being able to write about that .
3 All of a sudden , the other partners carried out an overnight coup and faced Dr Williams with the situation where he was no longer persona grata .
4 Shanti 's mother loved her very dearly , and had tried for nearly two years to cope with the situation where she , as an Indian , had a baby with an African father .
5 This was compared with the situation where capitalist methods of production were used to further undermine pre-capitalist methods of production .
6 Write briefly how you , as a receptionist , would deal with the situation where guests complain that their room has not been cleaned and they have had to wait over a half an hour for room service .
7 It provides a simple and expeditious procedure for dealing with the situation where a constable believes that a person bailed is unlikely to surrender to custody , or alternatively , that a person bailed is likely to break a condition of his bail , or has broken a condition of his bail .
8 It is true that the Francovich case was concerned with the situation where a member state fails to implement an E.E.C .
9 The clause deals with the situation where a number of firms produce incentives of various kinds .
10 Section 40 , like section 23 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 ( paragraph 16–26 above ) , deals with the situation where A commits an offence because of the fault of B. It enables B to be convicted where A has been guilty of conduct which either was an offence under the Consumer Protection Act or would have been one but for one of the statutory defences .
11 In the end , as I said , with that kind of selection cycle going , you 'd end up with the situation where all males had the , had that er had that trait of oedipal behaviour .
12 If an employer is faced with the situation where an employee has , in his own time and using his own equipment , developed a useful computer program , then the employer should immediately try to reach agreement as regards questions of ownership and use of the programs with the employee concerned , rather than allowing the program to be used without such agreement .
13 It is also concerned only with the situation where the customer does not give an effective consent to the use of a wall .
14 Taxes Act 1988 , s678 deals with the situation where capital sums are paid by a connected company to the settlor and where there have been associated payments made by the trustees to that company .
15 There are no provisions as such dealing with the situation where a person has provided services to a client ( where Schedule D , Case I and Case II are in point ) and the client allows the taxpayer to use the client 's premises .
16 Because you are very often dealing with the situation where you are personally very insecure .
17 This chapter deals with the situation where the matrimonial home is in the sole name of the husband , with the home being either free from any mortgage charge or subject to a mortgage debt .
18 This chapter deals with the situation where the matrimonial home is held in the joint names of the husband and the wife , either as beneficial joint tenants or as tenants in common .
19 This chapter deals principally with the situation where the husband and the wife hold the matrimonial home in their joint names ( whether as beneficial joint tenants or as tenants in common ) and , as a result of property adjustments , the husband 's interest in the home is conveyed or transferred to the wife 's new husband or friend .
20 With economic reforms faltering , observers commented on the strength of conservatives on the SC and drew parallels with the situation immediately before the attempted Soviet coup of August 1991 .
21 Grandparents were rare compared with the situation today and the population as a whole was relatively youthful .
22 We could not claim all the credit for this as our administration was coming to grips with the situation ashore .
23 ‘ I 'm perfectly capable of dealing with the situation here for you .
24 The situation now is particularly bad when compared with the situation only three years ago , when most of today 's newest graduates entered university .
25 When I kissed you that first night , and accepted that I desired you , I knew then that with the situation so volatile I should get us both out of there and back to Mariánské Láznë . ’
26 These modem developments contrast with the situation earlier in this century when for example there was no bridge between Benbecula and North and South Uist , and crossings had to be made across the beach at low tide .
27 With the situation now rapidly approaching a critical point , on April 13th. , Richard Baxter decided it was his duty to go to London and throw the weight of his own influence behind moves for the restoration of Charles II to the throne of England .
28 The West 's involvement in Iraq gave it responsibility for dealing actively with the situation there , despite the mealy-mouthed excuses for allowing Saddam Hussein to survive .
29 It 's , I , I mean these , these , the work with , with the original action network seems to , seems to come and go , you 've got a very large amount at one point and then nothing for sometime , it just depends er , I think which country they 're targeting and how much there is , because we had quite a lot on Malawi did n't we during the early part on last year not much on South Africa recently , as if they do n't quite know what to do , you know with the situation there it 's not quite er clarified .
30 I thought the referee dealt with the situation sensibly . ’
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