Example sentences of "you have be told " in BNC.

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1 Do not buy any materials until you have been told you can have a grant by the council , and once you have , keep any receipts .
2 In an extreme example , imagine you have been told you have an incurable disease .
3 However much you have been told , you may still come across problems when you first join a Home .
4 We talk about ‘ god ’ sometimes here at home , and you have been told at school to sing hymns and say prayers to ‘ god ’ , and you hear ‘ god ’ spoken about on the radio and television , also your friends talk and argue about ‘ god ’ , but nobody at all will tell you who or what ‘ god ’ really is , and this is because ‘ god ’ is only imaginary just as fairies are .
5 Is it the first time , for instance , you have been told you only enter into relationships for what you can get out of them ?
6 Moreover , problems can be like Chinese whispers : the parents may be quite surprised at what you have been told about them and their problems .
7 If you have been told to aim for a very precise figure , or have been following conventional height-to-weight charts , then you are almost definitely trying for an unrealistic weight .
8 ‘ I do not know what you have been told .
9 You have been told , I suppose , that you are most beautiful in your tears .
10 As you have been told , he kept a herd of cows , and also a bull .
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