Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] criminal " in BNC.

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1 In cases of bullying ( which is widespread , though often ignored by teachers , and can be linked to racial or sexual harassment ) , theft or vandalism , pupils may be guilty of criminal conduct where social services or police intervention is warranted .
2 The Commission had taken much of its case from the evidence of the BBFC , differing only in proposing that the private exhibition of films on domestic occasions should not be subject to criminal sanction provided that no person under 16 was present and no charge was made for the exhibition or for anything provided in connection with it .
3 When the press gets wind of it , the cronyism gives way to abuse of power , as people whose worst offence is to have arranged expensive air trips are smeared with the rumour that they are to be subject to criminal investigation .
4 In November 1990 the government removed the power of arrest from the military police following the August murder of a senior police chief who was investigating army officers thought to be involved in criminal activities .
5 If the witness can be persuaded to repeat the admission outside the court it may be admissible in criminal proceedings .
6 The general muddle was discussed in Chapter 6.2(c) above : in principle , a person whose conduct was caused by mental disorder should not be liable to criminal conviction , but in practice the narrow and antiquated defence of insanity is rarely invoked in England ( a handful of cases each year ) , and the courts normally proceed to conviction and then select a medical disposal where appropriate .
7 If a proprietor were to trade as ‘ The Saucy Sausage ’ and failed to comply with either of the above requirements , then he or she would be liable to criminal prosecution for such a failure .
8 Sponsors could now be liable to criminal charges if their sponsored relatives had ‘ recourse to public funds ’ .
9 Under the revised code new principles were introduced , notably ( i ) the penal responsibility of legal entities of public and private law such as companies , trade unions and political parties ( a measure aimed at new crimes such as fraud , hazardous working conditions and pollution ) ; ( ii ) the concept of an " instigator " of a crime ( who would be liable to criminal prosecution and punishment on a similar basis as the " perpetrator " of a crime ) ; and ( iii ) the extension of " legitimate self-defence " to cover defence of property .
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