Example sentences of "be [adv] more effective " in BNC.

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1 We hope we shall be educating future academics and researchers who will be much more effective and imaginative thinkers , who will perceive areas of conceptual exploration beyond the traditional boundaries of their disciplines .
2 Any advantage bestowed on KGDC by its peculiar structure remains a mystery — but one possibility is that a molecule with 24 separate binding sites will be much more effective at picking up very small quantities of substrate .
3 The new missiles will be much more effective than their predecessors against the latest Russian tanks , and worldwide sales are estimated to be worth thousands of millions of pounds .
4 However , the immunity that the live virus vaccine confers may be much more effective and longer-lasting than the present vaccines made with killed viruses .
5 Consequently the two working together will be much more effective than the combined total of their efforts if the two had stayed separate .
6 If we have a purpose , make use of context and prediction ; if we learn to distinguish between different levels of generality in a passage ( e.g. general and specific information , expression of likelihood , frequency , and degree ) our reading will be much more effective .
7 If this is the case it might be much more effective to scrap the mailing and to talk personally to the journalists concerned .
8 I think it would be much more effective if the one who was meant to be the hardhat and who might be expected to let the other one drown in fact saves the other one even though he thinks his ideas about the Indians and his plan to baptise them when they get to the Orinoco are blasphemous .
9 Indeed , public education about the nature of legal problems and the role of lawyers in solving them might be much more effective in the long run .
10 There have been commentators who have said that if it were introduced , it would be much more effective if it were introduced throughout the island .
11 That can not happen in the water industry , so there must be much more effective regulation than has existed in the past .
12 Lim 's sources of information were seen to be much more effective than the Army 's compromised intelligence gathering network , as evidenced by the fact that four of the chief rebel officers captured since the coup attempt had been tracked down and arrested by the police .
13 Open-market operations should therefore be much more effective in reducing general liquidity than in reducing the monetary base .
14 I think there is a case for old medicines , but I think that doctors are sometimes too conservative and the public are sometimes too conservative getting advice from their mother-in-law or from granny erm and going and buying a granny 's remedy , whereas in fact there 's something modern available which would be much more effective and perhaps much safer .
15 As regards the political system established in Western Europe , based on representative political institutions — parliament , political and philosophical pluralism , the theory of the separation of powers , decentralization , human rights , etc. — that system is in essentials valid and it will be still more effective with a socialist , and not a capitalist , economic foundation .
16 Of course , the Irish Government give us considerable co-operation , but in all these affairs — this applies to us as well — we can be still more effective than we are .
17 In addition the insulin appears to be slightly more effective in the morning at promoting glucose uptake and use by the cells of the body .
18 Although there has been a growing amount of evidence that rewarding good behaviour can be far more effective in maintaining pupil discipline than punishing bad behaviour , and despite official encouragement for rewarding , there has been found to be ‘ a continuing emphasis ’ on punishments .
19 If a dog enjoys his training sessions , they will be far more effective .
20 The firm says that compliance with the audit regulations , through intra-firm quality controls and annual file reviews by an independent partner , would be far more effective .
21 Personal computers for management use is a major area of Apple usage , where planning , analysing , managing and assistance with decision evaluation have made the micro a versatile and powerful tool for managers of all descriptions , saving time and money and helping them to be far more effective in their jobs .
22 This , it was now increasingly argued , would be far more effective in the long run than any amount of sharp practice .
23 Your support for our work will enable us to be even more effective .
24 Even though essential oils are sometimes given orally ( especially in the case of garlic ) they can often be even more effective when applied to the skin .
25 This sort of scheme will be even more effective when credit transfer arrangements are in place , when the vocational and academic routes are intertwined , and when issues of perceived different status as between tracks are resolved .
26 And could n't a younger , elected body of people be even more effective ?
27 However this still gives considerable reduction , much better than that already seen above for word length , but taken together with some approximate word length measure would be even more effective .
28 However , resistance to the increasing employment of artillery in the capture of walled towns and castles would be even more effective if it stemmed from a reassessment of architectural design .
29 These may be incorporated as cassettes in antisense vectors and may be even more effective in abrogating expression of target genes .
30 The resolution noted " the potential of the United Nations to be even more effective in achieving international co-operation " , and reaffirmed support " for the validity and relevance of the [ UN ] Charter and urged all states to abide by it " .
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