Example sentences of "with certain [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The survivors are shown in Figure 5.2 ( along with certain isotopes of H , C and N to which I shall turn in the next section ) .
2 This is associated with those defects , imperfections , undesirable traits of character , disposition , temperament , etc. , characteristic of imperfectly coordinated people struggling through life beset with certain maladjustments of the psycho-physical organism , which are actually setting up conditions of irritation and pressure during both sleeping and waking hours .
3 It is very possible to sympathize in good part , if not entirely , with the psychologists and philosophers who were sceptical or uncertain of the worth of introspection as a source of knowledge , reluctant to attempt to deal with the unquantifiable , keen to be in accord with certain principles of scientific methodology , resistant to such free speculation as the Freudian kind , and who thus took the step of analysing ascriptions of consciousness into claims about no more than behaviour .
4 They may overlie or be overlain by sexual difficulty which is endemic in an age group or among people with certain forms of disability .
5 ‘ The significant fact ’ , he writes , ‘ is that in each county Dissent tended to be associated chiefly with certain forms of local society , while it was largely absent from others ’ .
6 There can be no doubt that Creole , in particular Jamaican Creole , derives much of its attraction for the youth from its association with certain forms of culture .
7 Birds in which the male and female looked very different were often classified as different species in nineteenth century bird books ; and the same happened with certain species of orchids which have flowers of different kinds , sometimes bafflingly on the same plant .
8 IT should be noted , however , that there is sometimes an overlap between Administrative Law and Criminal Law , e.g. a failure to comply with certain provisions of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 or the New Roads & Street Works Act 1991 may amount to a criminal offence .
9 It is there in Plato 's writing on education , in the association of certain types of curricula with certain groups of people , and in the notion that education may have certain social functions or effects .
10 It is true that extensive reviews of research in the United States ( Lipton et al. , 1975 ) and in Britain ( Brody , 1976 ) found it to be generally the case that different penal measures had similarly unimpressive outcomes in terms of re-offending , but they also found examples of reformative programmes which seemed to work to some extent with certain groups of offenders ( see Palmer , 1975 ) .
11 Such identification of the elements of Q with those of Q is in exactly the same spirit as the identification of the elements of Z with certain elements of Q ( see Fig. 1.2 ) , an identification to which you 've probably never previously given much thought .
12 I , even as a friend and a colleague of the staff notice it strongly in little points of racism , all the time constantly there , it gets beyond a joke , I 've lost friends in the school or I do n't associate with certain members of staff purely because of the constant jibing which eventually gets beyond a joke .
13 It faced growing dissatisfaction with certain members of the royal family , in particular Queen Aishwarya , who as a former commoner considered to have undue influence was more vulnerable to criticism than King Birendra .
14 The police are aware of how problematic their relationship is with certain sections of Easton 's population , irrespective of religion .
15 Then in the '70s the development of North Sea oil off Scottish shores provided the nationalists with a populist gambit of major proportions : the prospect of an oil-rich independence helped to bring together elements of the nationalistically-minded middle classes ( who furnished most of the leadership ) with certain sections of the Scottish working class ( who voted SNP in considerable numbers ) .
16 But woolly as his arguments were , they went down well with discontented people , and particularly with certain sections of the unemployed .
17 The pope may deliberate with certain sections of the clergy and laity but he alone decides and these groups are used as " rubber stamps " to endorse the proceedings .
18 He burnt a specified part with certain portions of fat ( or the entire animal in the case of the burnt-offering ) .
19 The debate on these issues continued throughout the last three decades of the nineteenth century , but with certain changes of emphasis .
20 yet , as Lancaster observes ‘ Librarians do not exist merely to acquire books or to maximise the work load at the circulation desk : presumably libraries are in some way concerned with certain uses of books and with certain desired outcomes of the reading process. ,
21 As we saw in the previous chapter , properties of the blackboard model developed for HEARSAY-II turned out to be incompatible with certain characteristics of the speech processing task .
22 A British Medical Association spokesman said : ‘ We disagree with certain aspects of the report .
23 In that judgment , Stivoro was asked to produce additional evidence in connection with certain aspects of the campaign .
24 They have been concerned with certain aspects of accountability listed under Divisions I and III .
25 Where these latter principles of differentiation are coterminous with certain aspects of the division of labour ( and with each other ) , the chances of formation of a politically pertinent collectivity within the ‘ division of labour grid ’ may be increased ( e.g. ‘ working class ’ catholics in the west of Scotland as a traditional Labour Party support-base ) ; where they cut across the division of labour the chances may be diminished ( the difficulty of developing ‘ class ’ politics in Northern Ireland ) .
26 He exposed the paucity of his case as he went on and every now and again he made a tantalising admission that he — rather surprisingly — agreed with certain aspects of the policy embodied in our forthcoming legislation .
27 Walker , who apart from the Prime Minister herself ( Margaret Thatcher ) and Sir Geoffrey Howe was the only remaining member of the Conservative Cabinet formed in 1979 ( and who had also been a member of Edward Heath 's Cabinet in 1970-74 ) , had for a considerable time been regarded as in many ways out of sympathy with certain aspects of Thatcher 's political philosophy .
28 Resolution 10 which will be proposed as a Special Resolution extends for a further year at a slightly higher level the authority previously given to disapply such pre-emption rights in the case of small issues and to deal with certain aspects of rights issues .
29 There is no sense of how the various points discussed earlier in the book should or could be applied , for we are simply presented with certain aspects of the play 's style and development .
30 But no criteria are sufficient actually to explain this distinction , and in order to elucidate its meaning it is necessary to consider it in connection with certain modes of experiencing with which it forms a structural unity .
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