Example sentences of "with data [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The postcode to Enumeration District directory and the digitised boundary data enable it to be mapped and compared with data compiled on a different geographical basis , an aid which has not been available for censuses prior to 1981 .
2 The definition of a major injury widened with the introduction of RIDDOR ( The reporting of injuries , diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1985 introduced 1986 ) and therefore comparisons can not be made with data collected under NADOR ( The notification of accidents and dangerous occurrences regulations ) .
3 Data collected in these schools will be compared with data collected in these same schools between 1985 and 1987 .
4 Smith and Oliver developed a Monte Carlo model evaluated with data collected from Bouteloua gracilis , a prairie shortgrass .
5 A total of about 560 individuals is involved in these records and comparison with data given by des Forges and Harber suggests some increase , the average number recorded each year having risen from about 15 annually until 1961 to over 55 annually since 1967 .
6 One solution to the data-collection problems outlined in 7.2 is to supplement a corpus of naturally occurring speech with data gathered by some kind of experimental method .
7 The results of this survey will be analysed along with data gathered from interviews carried out with over 100 candidates by SCOTVEC staff .
8 We are frequently presented with data consisting of observations at successive points of time ; such data are said to form a time series .
9 If used routinely with data derived from a prospective study , a probability rating for primary site could be determined during confirmation of metastatic adenocarcinoma .
10 ( 1983 ) have argued that maps based on the European Air Chemistry Network may be misleading in several respects , such as in failing adequately to show the pattern of time variations over the years or the large degree of uncertainty attaching to individual contours , and assuming a geographical homogeneity which is not borne out by detailed calculations with data taken from adjacent sites .
11 We will now give the complete solution of the problem P1 with data specified in Table 8.1 and references to trees T1–T4 in Fig. 8.3 .
12 Institutions were asked to return the questionnaire if possible by 30th September , 1985 , with data relating to the academic year 1984–85 .
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