Example sentences of "with the problems [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He dealt firmly with the attempts of the union movement to stir up trouble and efficiently with the problems created by Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia 's state visit , as well as with the great occasion of the coronation .
2 In accepting being alone much will obviously depend on the reason behind the situation and our ability to deal with the problems related to being a single person : the death of a partner or parents in retirement ; becoming separated or divorced ; adjusting to being an ‘ alien ’ pensioner .
3 The House of Commons saw fit to incorporate a provision in the recent Nullity of Marriage Act to deal with the problems raised .
4 The Government has to deal with the problems raised by this new tax with sympathy and understanding .
5 Satirist Clive James broke off from filming the BBC TV series Clive Live to say enigmatically : ‘ Cleese copes as well as a man can with the problems raised by exceptional talent , organisational ability and wealth . ’
6 THERE is a spiteful tendency among some commentators to compare the fuss recently made about the losses suffered by MPs , judges and others rich enough to have become ‘ Names ’ at Lloyd 's of London , with the problems suffered by those who are unemployed .
7 I suggest the failure to deal with the problems posed by mass car use — because that is what transport problems , whether pollution , congestion , ‘ accidents ’ , or decline in the possibility of a real public transport system are due to — is both symbolic of , and central to , the bankruptcy of Labourist ideology .
8 Ducal influence in the region has , however , been judged remote and ineffectual , a verdict based largely on Gloucester 's inability to get to grips with the problems caused by the decaying system of local office holding .
9 He was also a public figure of some note , being alderman from 1541 and lord mayor in 1550–1 , when he had to deal with the problems caused by dearth and by the 1551 ‘ calling down ’ of the coinage .
10 Ducal influence in the region has , however , been judged remote and ineffectual , a verdict based largely on Gloucester 's inability to get to grips with the problems caused by the decaying system of local office holding .
11 The authority says dealing with the problems caused by the squatters wasted money that ought to have been spent caring for patients .
12 We are not here concerned with the problems involved in obtaining samples ; our focus is on the survey once the sample has been decided on and drawn .
13 I will deal with the problems involved in regarding the way of non-violence as an absolute rule , or infallible guide to conduct , or as the right way in all circumstances without exception , in a later chapter on ahi sā .
14 Economic growth is usually measured in terms of GNP and though this presents some problems they pale into insignificance when compared with the problems involved in the definitions of education which have included literacy rates , school enrolment rates , university attendance rates , expenditure on education , and so on .
15 Once the semantics of police experience were revealed , I had to live with the problems experienced by both Castenada and Favret-Saada , although I demur from casting myself into their intellectual companionship .
16 This is because it carries out a unique function within the nuclear industry : it tries to deal with the problems left over at the end .
17 In addition , we can point to certain temperamental facts : most obviously , the youthfully ardent seriousness ; then the self-consciousness of the gifted and isolated individual — a consciousness of his own giftedness , one might add , which shades into a growing concern with the problems surrounding genius as such , and which helps to intensify an already strong impulse to express himself articulately in writing ; and , finally , a compulsion to relate his music , his philosophy- his Greece to each other .
18 It is unreasonable that local health authorities should have to compare routine needs — for hernia operations , or knee and hip joint operations — with the problems surrounding experimental surgery , of which they must have no direct knowledge .
19 Improved management techniques could include new information Points in the inner cities , a decentralization of some services to deprived areas and the appointment of specialist staff to deal with the problems encountered by the long-term unemployed .
20 With the problems encountered by the 1981 census in Northern Ireland the CHS represents a major potential data source for secondary analysis by researchers both in Northern Ireland and in Britain .
21 Sylvia Plath once said that a story should begin with your main character up a ( metaphorical ) apple tree being pelted by someone — and then you deal with the problems arising .
22 The history of the North Wing of Bedford General Hospital is deeply rooted in legislation ; in laws which were designed to deal with the problems arising from unemployment , sickness , destitution and vagrancy .
23 The vast majority need pensions to meet their financial needs , almost all will be registered with a doctor and will make use of the health services , and many require special housing or residential accommodation and some degree of help in coping with the problems arising from increasing frailty , social isolation and their dependent role .
24 What I confirmed in answer to the question to which the hon. Gentleman has referred was that we had put in place measures to deal with the problems arising from repossession .
25 Now that will need to be assessed by the council as a whole against it 's priorities with regard to the balancing of the use of capital against capital to prop up the revenue er expenditure of the council and conceivably er to deal with the problems arising er out of government er legislation and clearly we are going to have to make some decisions decisions about this .
26 Again the number attending was large , and again the canons of the Council , after dealing with the problems occasioned by anti-popes , covered a range of reforming issues .
27 If the poetry of the early part of the eighteenth century is already grappling with the problems associated with a realistic treatment of agricultural labour , it is not surprising that an agricultural labourer should eventually make an impact as a poet .
28 Town & Country are trained to deal with the problems associated with moving — for example local area orientation ; and offering advice on solicitors ; schools ; household removals and even baby-sitters !
29 Interestingly , most people 's attitudes towards this appear quite accepting ; often , the anticipation of dying seems to be less traumatic than dealing with the problems associated with ageing itself .
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