Example sentences of "you [verb] pay [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Would you help if you got paid for it ? ’
2 well you got paid for your contracts , they let your contracts through the last time
3 You were on piece work you got paid by the rivet sort of thing , so you had to go ahead with it .
4 Okay , but you 're buying more benefits , therefore you got to pay for it more
5 keep that in case you got to pay for it , it er , you wo n't do it now this moment
6 How do you want to pay for this ?
7 Do you want to pay at the counter ?
8 You want paying for your help ? ’
9 HOW much would you expect to pay for a dress modelled by Linda Evangelista ? £15,000 ? £25,000 ?
10 It really went to show that God was good ; when you 'd paid for the things you did and you were really sorry , He gave you something good to make it up to you .
11 And that 's our money for the day used up , if you count paying for the room .
12 So which one have you got to pay for ?
13 Tell the customer the total cost of the purchase and ask method of payment she will use ‘ How would you like to pay for the saucepans ? ’
14 You finish paying for your T V , ai n't it ?
15 How much are you getting paid for it ?
16 Are you getting paid for this ?
17 You get paid on final costs .
18 That 's what you get paid for , is n't it ?
19 ‘ Do not work in a hurry … do nothing for nothing , and see that you get paid for everything . ’
20 If I do n't deliver the goods , I do n't get any money , In business you get paid for results , not for the hours you put in . ’
21 You get paid for playing er , you do n't ha or you have very few scores , you do n't have line-outs and basically you tackle about a hundred million times a game .
22 At least you , you get paid for what you do .
23 You get paid for it ?
24 oh why grumble when you get paid for it
25 So you get paid till half past twelve Christmas Eve look , so it 's thirteen seventy five till twelve that we normally get paid on a Friday .
26 As long as you get paid in the end
27 Though , it 's just that , one of the things that Caroline actually , er working on with Warwick University is a way of re-looking at public services and how there funded right , it 's basically to help David to make the case with Margaret Margaret for more money with the local Government , but erm I mean the sort of things we 've been getting into is like when you considering paying for public services , should you , should you pay like in advance like through the National Insurance System or like , like I mean the French Health Service for example , people pay it for ambulances when they use them , though they pay on a differential rate , but I mean it 's an issue to debate , it 's right , and I 've just been thinking about lavatory while you 've been speaking .
28 generated or whatever , who do you wish to pay to , and we have four erm electricity board , the gas board , the er er er credit card and the , ca n't remember what the fourth one is , you simply say I wan na pay number four how much do you wish to pay to the Royal Bank of Scotland and you say how much you wish to pay in , er in pence and it immediately says you wish to pay blah blah blah it will be done .
29 generated or whatever , who do you wish to pay to , and we have four erm electricity board , the gas board , the er er er credit card and the , ca n't remember what the fourth one is , you simply say I wan na pay number four how much do you wish to pay to the Royal Bank of Scotland and you say how much you wish to pay in , er in pence and it immediately says you wish to pay blah blah blah it will be done .
30 If refreshments were available , did you have to pay for them ?
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