Example sentences of "i finally [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I finally agreed to it coming out in a limited edition .
2 I finally spent about 20 minutes just enjoying the VFR day , pottering round within sight of Breighton at about 1000 ft and occasionally putting the Aeronca into a tight turn over a copse , or a particular field , just for the sheer exhilaration of flying this aerial Citroen 2CV .
3 When I finally went for the ( pregnancy ) test , I thought , this is it , this is the point where I go on the Pill .
4 But when I finally got to bed again it was well into Monday morning and it was Monday afternoon when I surfaced and there was a policeman on the door and it had n't been a nightmare after all .
5 when I finally got to the start line at 9.41 am I started to pick my way through the crowd , with difficulty .
6 I finally got in touch with the distributor and explained what was going on .
7 When I finally took off the overtrousers , the fleece trousers I was wearing underneath were completely dry , which is what I would have expected from their three-layer Gore-Tex construction .
8 To make a long story short , I finally arranged for Service to record a brief message on tape which was flown to the Yukon and broadcast over loud-speakers during the cinema 's opening ceremonies .
9 After missing him during his stay in Geneva ( he 'd been presiding over Berlioz 's Benvenuto Cellini at the Grand Théâtre there ) , I finally succeeded in making contact with him in Rome , where he was conducting the orchestra of the Academia di Santa Cecilia in music by Schubert , Nino Rota and , not unexpectedly , Berlioz — the Symphonie fantastique .
10 I finally came to the churchyard , ‘ Titty-Bottle Park ’ , where there were literally dozens of kids running about the tombstones .
11 After a seven hour train journey , I finally arrived at Dartington College of Arts .
12 Doubting whether the traffic jam would have cleared by Wednesday , I finally arrived in time to miss my dental appointment and searched my mind for something pleasant to think of as I rejoined the traffic and inched my way back to the cottage .
13 I finally focused on Ben Slack who was 15 — a year younger than me .
14 When I finally moved at the end of September , it was an enormous step in my life .
15 I stayed in hotels to begin with and when I finally moved into a flat , on the first night a rat ran across my chest .
16 Partial topic framework existing in a conversation between K ( 20+ , female , Edinburgh-resident , university student , … ) and J ( 60+ , male , Edinburgh-resident , retired , … ) in P Working Men 's Club , Edinburgh , … ) at T ( early evening , spring , 1976 , … ) mentioning ( J's three children — J ‘ s brothers — the schools they attended — the schools J attended — that J did badly at school — J left school at fourteen ) when K asks J what he did after he left school J : oh I done odd jobs like + paper boy + chemist 's shop worked in a chemist shop + and done two or three others+ and I finally started in the bricklaying + so I served my time as a bricklayer + K : that 's good money J : nowadays it is but in that + when my time was out it wasn't+ it was only three pounds nine a week + so + + K : my father was a stonemason and he started at home + and they were paid a halfpenny an hour extra for being left-handed + +
17 As I thought about it , the notion took its own shape , blossoming , as it were , and escalating into what I finally conceived as my cousin 's nemesis .
18 I was sure that I 'd be safe from then when I finally emerged from the city on the far side — it was n't likely that rats would abe allowed too close to the Divine Sanctum — but I could n't yet see any sign of a far side .
19 There was no heating in the room and an inadequacy of blankets , and I finally put on all my clothes again and tried my best to snuggle under the only blanket to snatch an hour of sleep .
20 I finally turned to Kent , not because of what had already been discovered there but because it was on my doorstep and a lot more accessible than either France or Wiltshire .
21 And when I finally appeared in my ship 's airlock , the only thing that Mala could find to say was , ’ Do n't you look a mess ! ’
22 That was the design I finally gave to Shawcraft as a construction drawing which ended up as the Dalek .
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