Example sentences of "i told [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I told myself it was only for a while .
2 I told myself it could be any bedroom , and the woman any woman , but even in Robert 's blurred , shadowy style it was unmistakable , and Marie Claire 's back recognisable .
3 I mean , I let him spend all that money on me , and although I told myself it was fair , it was n't .
4 I told myself it was because you disgusted me , but really I was afraid of what I might do and say .
5 I told myself it was because of the play , but deep down there was something driving me back to you . ’
6 I told myself it did n't matter because they were n't husband and wife but Mr Rowse said the ceremony made no difference .
7 I told myself it must never happen . ’
8 I woke up , but I told myself it could n't be you because you 'd be in Yorkshire — ’
9 I raged inwardly against his injustice and vindictiveness ; I told myself he was a pro-Jewish fanatic , and anti-feminist to the point of misogynism ; that he was a bigot , a bully and a nepotist ( this last was more than unfair , as the extent of his nepotism was his sister 's husband 's niece who was a chambermaid ) .
10 I told myself he might have meant us to meet at the Festival , so I went along there and searched for him in the crowd . ’
11 I told myself I could live with the thought of having just a small part of your life and love , but when you put it into words a few moments ago I could see how awful it would have been .
12 When I came round I told myself I should stick to gentler sporting pursuits … like rugby football .
13 When he did n't come , I told myself I 'd been foolish even to hope .
14 I told myself I was waiting out there for the signals to let me know David and Leon had gone to bed , lights switched off at their bedroom windows , at least some movement of the curtains .
15 Of course I was not — at least I told myself I was not — a puritan .
16 I told myself I 'd have an abortion , although I knew I could never go through with it , and I was so relieved when my period came .
17 I strongly felt that Resenence had come to me in the dream and yet , when I awoke , when the morning came , I told myself I had created it myself .
18 I told myself I was gon na learn a bit of German before I went to see Eileen again
19 I told 'im 'e was a no-good whoreson an' 'e should n't 'ave wasted my time in the first place , ’ Billy replied , his blue eyes blazing at the memory of it .
20 I told 'im I was gettin' over me wounds an' 'e said the work was 'ard an' did I fink I could manage it .
21 I told everyone I was n't well .
22 I told everyone I was going to keep a journal . ’
23 I told everyone I was going for a merit , but it made me feel really good when I got it !
24 I told ya it 's Elvis
25 ‘ Bob and I told her we would help her all we could , I do n't think any of us realised what was in store , though ! ’
26 I told her we were Baptists and she said she would tell her husband because he thought Gran was an amazing woman having such a large family , but she had told him that we probably belonged to ‘ one of these odd religions ! ’ .
27 I told her we were going to get married , and all she could talk about was frogs , ’ said Masklin .
28 I told her we could share what we had , but she would not have it .
29 I told her we 'd had a tip-off .
30 ‘ Because I told her we were lovers and you were expecting me , and you have too much compassion in your make-up to get the girl reprimanded when she believed she was acting in your best interests , min søde Gina . ’
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