Example sentences of "i want a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I want a sample of that to go to the Met Lab urgently .
2 I want a high-back chair . ’
3 The second one the second man says I want a year 's , I want ten years ' supply of whisky , right , so they sling it in there .
4 AT forty-three , divorced six years ago , I frankly admit I want a man .
5 Branson made his way to the club — situated , by a felicitous coincidence , directly opposite Coutts 's head office in the Strand — and wandered beneath the flashing strobe-lights , more fascinated than intimidated by the spectacle of 1,500 moustachioed , bejeaned and leather-clad males gyrating to the strains of ‘ I Want a Man ’ .
6 yes that was at quarter past eight Saturday morning and at ten to eight my aunty came at night and went fucking mad she said I want a dressing and I want it now , twelve hours ago I asked for that dressing and were n't done then came
7 If I want a T-shirt I do n't go to any pile I go to the hangers .
8 Now I want a cobbler .
9 I want a go , ’ demanded Belinda , trying to wipe the sticky pink mess from her face and hands but only succeeding in making it worse .
10 I want a go .
11 I want a chalet and I intend to have one , ’ she declared imperiously .
12 I want a cuddle
13 I want a cuddle .
14 I want a cuddle .
15 I want a cuddle .
16 I want a cuddle .
17 I want a cuddle now .
18 Now I want a sign , I ca n't see one .
19 Erm we 've got bare naked ladies and erm traffic and travel traffic and travel do up traffic and travel and all sorts of stuff er so I want a I want a call from anybody whose never done it before .
20 I want a government where there is no difference between a black man and a white man . ’
21 I want a whole .
22 No I want a biscuit .
23 I want a biscuit .
24 I want a biscuit .
25 I want a biscuit .
26 excuse me , I want a pint of blood .
27 And he goes , I want a pint of blood !
28 Second vampire comes in , I want a pint of blood .
29 I want a pint of water .
30 He goes , I want a pint of water .
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