Example sentences of "i just hope [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I just hope we get faster ground , ’ Doumen said .
2 Kinnear said : ‘ I just hope we do n't have to suffer the brunt of it . ’
3 ‘ If they manage that , I just hope we can force Liverpool into making as many errors as in the first leg . ’
4 I just hope we will be safe , Roger , ’ he murmured .
5 I just hope we 're not sorry about it later , that 's all . ’
6 O K , I just hope we wo n't run out of space here .
7 I just hope we get the right result and have something to celebrate and another game to look forward too .
8 I just hope we are a bit more successful in this Test than the last two we have played in .
9 I just hope we can catch up with him before he gets knocked down by a car or finds his way off the roads into open countryside or woodland where it will be harder to find him . ’
10 They are definitely beatable and I just hope we can exploit any weaknesses they have .
11 Well , I just hope we can
12 I just hope they 've pressed enough copies of this outstanding release , to ensure that all serious collectors can manage to get hold of one !
13 I just hope they both survive . ’
14 I just hope they 're chanting when we win the Championship .
15 I just hope they do n't drag the club down and that loyal supporters wo n't wake up one day and say , how did that happen ?
16 I just hope they cancel Grizedale next time , ’ he said bitterly .
17 Australia are calling it a warm-up game for before the World Cup but I just hope they feel a little heat from my boys .
18 ‘ Everyday Is Like Sunday ’ — I just hope they 're not all as crap as this one turned out to be .
19 I just hope they are better than tonight 's . ’
20 I just hope they do n't tax company cars any more than they already have done .
21 I just hope they do n't force me to mend their shoes ? ’
22 I just hope they wo , they did n't have any the other day , did they , twin packs ?
23 I just hope everyone who gave us presents does n't do the same .
24 I just hope whatever it was will stay hushed up . ’
25 But as one of yesterday 's fellow travellers muttered : ‘ I just hope she did n't have ordinary BR tea . ’
26 I just hope she gets arrested herself for wasting police time .
27 I just hope she wo n't start cutting her hair .
28 I just hope she knows what she 's getting . ’
29 I just hope she 's as pleased as you are . ’
30 I just hope she 's in this time . ’
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