Example sentences of "i have come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This year I have come across a group using a bothy as a base from which to run mountain walking courses .
2 I have come across not one company which incorporates the pursuit of honest profits with social awareness , which provides a vision for themselves and their workers .
3 ‘ It 's a weird one , unlike anything I have come across before .
4 I have come across the meadows to the place beneath the willows , where I will find the brook .
5 In a year and a half of reading the literature on small schools , I have come across very few studies of any kind which purport to empirically test any aspect of these three assertions .
6 I do realise that no-one ( that I have come across yet ) is deliberately cruel to their fish , but ignorance is not excuse when there is plenty of help and information readily available .
7 I ca n't say I have come across anyone who expects it to remain a dwarf , but many seem to think that 5–6″ is it — possibly because it is rare to see larger specimens in a retail outlet .
8 Interestingly I have come across this same problem in a totally different context .
9 Such inspections are theoretically repeated every two or three years , although I have come across some childminders who have not received a follow up visit for several years .
10 I make a habit of sending a certain number of cases of wine each year to individuals at any level of the company who have done something which I have come across which seems to be particularly meritorious .
11 I have come across many people who have bought their binoculars from railway lost-property offices , though naturally one has to be doubly careful .
12 In the past I have come across complaints from editors that they have received old material .
13 I have come across deaf mutes educated by all systems , and as I have met and conversed with the deaf in various parts of Great Britain and Ireland , France , and the United States , I have not the least hesitation in saying that the combined method as advocated by Dr. E. M. Gallaudet before the recent Royal Commission certainly confers the greatest benefit upon the greatest number .
14 In Britain , I have come across two species in particular which do this — tree sparrows , using fresh beech leaves , and buzzards , using green-leaved twigs .
15 Teacher : Definitely I have come across incidents where I have actually seen teachers pick on children for no other reasons than the colour of their skin .
16 " On the other hand , " I went on , " I have come across something that may lead to some news of Mr. Stavanger — It might be difficult to talk to you in your office — that 's why I 'm ringing now .
17 I have come across very , very few good listeners .
18 I have come across numerous cases where a hip replacement has failed simply because it was not an exact fit in the first place , ’ said .
19 Quite by chance in collecting material for I have come across a cousin who is the communications and Public relations person at so I am to put them in touch with each other as the one in London has just had a letter from another in Vancouver trying to do family research .
20 REGARDING your article on fuel wastage in Belfast , I have come across two instances of it lately .
21 I have come across it on the American networks , where all script conferences are attended by a legal-looking chap whose only contribution is to say ’ We do not want to offend any groups ’ from time to time .
22 During my travels I have come across many keen , enthusiastic members .
23 A friend and I have come across your brochure and we 'd like to give your course a try .
24 I have come on a scientific investigation to rectify the freak effect which brought those poor unfortunates , ’ he waved at the screen , ‘ to this forsaken place .
25 I have come on his behalf to celebrate the day . ’
26 I have come on board alone .
27 I have come for three hours while Joe is selling the pigs . ’
28 " Well , really , that 's just what I have come for , Super .
29 I have come with good news about her .
30 I will give you an example of why I have come to that conclusion .
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