Example sentences of "i be bound [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But I am bound to agree with Kenneth Tynan who wrote this definition of a critic : ‘ A man who knows the way but ca n't drive the car . ’
2 Despite a certain aversion from yet another stirring of recollection I am bound to say that the material of the film is handled with command .
3 I am bound to say that his personality and his voice with his Glasgow accent were a little disconcerting at first ( I felt rather as if I were being addressed by my highly educated carpenter ) , but he inspired me with such confidence as he went on that I forgot that , and of course one has to recognise that a new era in political life has dawned for England , the old aristocratic school is practically swept out of it , it is the dawn of the new " regime " .
4 In considering these submission , I am bound to say that I found Mr. Philipson 's standpoint unreal in the banking world of the 1990s .
5 However , I am bound to say that in my judgment Ex parte Handscomb was wrongly decided on that issue .
6 This is not a suitable case in which to reopen the matter but I am bound to say that this case seems to show that there is room for an exception where examining the proceedings in Parliament would almost certainly settle the matter immediately one way or the other .
7 ‘ Though I am bound to say , Signorita Maitland , that you are more beautiful than any flower . ’
8 But I am bound to say that I have some doubts .
9 I am bound to say that that does not seem to be the policy of the Opposition .
10 I am bound to say that I do not believe that this debate has reached the level of fizz that one might have associated with a Bill that was to be fought doggedly tooth and nail by the Opposition .
11 I am bound to say , however , that the Bill does nothing to deter younger vehicle takers — and it will stand or fall according to its deterrent qualities .
12 I welcome the Secretary of State 's intention to fill in the student gap , but I am bound to say that I can see no logical reason for attempting to collect the 20 per cent .
13 As there has recently been a revision of codes , I am bound to say that my right hon. Friend may feel that the time is not right for a review .
14 And perhaps I can tie that in with the , the comment from Mr about people from having loved ones in I am bound to say that this has n't been a major feature of our er er
15 The first reported expression of dissent occurred in Balston Ltd v Headline Filters [ 1987 ] FSR 330 where Scott J at pp347 and 348 said , having quoted from the judgment of Neill LJ in Faccenda , both counsel before me express some reservations about that passage insofar as it suggests that confidential information can not be protected by a suitably worded restrictive convenant binding on an ex-employee unless the information can be regarded as trade secret in the third of the categories described by Goulding J. I am bound to say that I share these reservations .
16 I am bound to say My Lords that my own view is still that the size within the limits laid down by statute with a minimum of sixteen or eighteen and maximum of twenty-four would best be determined locally and if we 're not going in for a national police force , I still ca n't see what it has to do with the Secretary of State and why the Home Office should be settling the size of forty-three or so police authorities .
17 Herbert Kretzmer wrote in the Daily Express that he heard a voice call out , ‘ Rubbish ’ — to which he himself responded : ‘ Though I find this kind of boorishness both repulsive and depressing I am bound to state that the solitary heckler was probably articulating a mood felt by many .
18 ‘ Yes , that was it , ’ he told himself , ‘ if Julie is there I am bound to see her when I drop Selwyn off . ’
19 He presented a paper on 5 April in which he stated : ’ I am bound to conclude that looked at from the perspective of the economics of heat and power , it makes no sense to replace existing coal-fired plant with CCGTs unless gas prices are lower than today 's . ’
20 I am bound to disregard them entirely .
21 He was more than a little inclined to pomposity ( ‘ I am bound to speak in terms of high eulogium on the subject of Rouen 's literary reputation ’ ) , but his fussiness over detail makes him a useful informant .
22 Oh " my Lord , I toil too much I go out at break of day , driving oxen to the field , and I yoke them to the plough , there is no winter so sharp that I dare keep at home , for fear of my Master , but having yoked my oxen and fastened my share and coulter I am bound to plough every day a full acre .
23 When I hear Tory Members speaking about the health service , in Trafford or anywhere else , I am bound to come to the conclusion that they are after family jobs .
24 ‘ Well , Mr McKillop , I am bound to tell you that I find this most strange because the Elsie I knew assured me she had no brothers or sisters . ’
25 ‘ I am off-duty , ’ said Sally-Anne awefully , ‘ and I am bound to tell you that although I am here I am not here in the sense of waiting on you . ’
26 Yet I am bound to start with it , if I 'm to talk about the story of Jackson Pollock and his wife , the painter Lee Krasner .
27 I am bound to keep him or be much the worse off . ’
28 There are some other interesting strategies recommended in the book and as someone who has always been frustrated by his inability to draw nicely I am bound to admit that the exercises suggested by Miss Edwards have brought about an unexpected improvement in my performance as a draughtsman .
29 I 'm bound to do what I can to help Sam . ’
30 Erm but er unless I I may repeat one or two of the things I 'd have said on the phone I 'm bound to do that , er the three things that are gon na be decided here today really is you if you and I erm you 've got inside information of course , er if you and I agree that er is the is the platform for you to earn some good money .
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