Example sentences of "i be using [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am using a pitching wedge in these photos and I suggest you do , too .
2 I am using a range of paints produced in Australia by Art Spectrum which includes colours with names like Tasman blue , Flinders blue violet , Australian leaf green and Pilbora red , designed for use in the southern hemisphere .
3 You see , I am using a quote here , they are so openly aggressive and surly …
4 I have written elsewhere ( Bolton , 1982 ) that the basic skill of acting is : ‘ an ability to engage with something outside oneself using an ‘ as if ’ mental set to activate , sustain or intensify that engagement' and I go on to say , ‘ I am using the word ‘ engagement ’ as a central feature because it implies a relationship at an affective level between a person and the world outside him' ( p. 135 ) .
5 In the remainder of the discussion in this paper I am using the term ‘ psychic ’ in these senses , although it may seem , at times , in the descriptions of psychic phenomena that these processes are static and fixed .
6 But pragmatism , as I am using the term here , is a function of pedagogic mediation whereby the relationship between theory and practice , ideas and their actualization , can only be realized within the domain of application , that is , through the immediate activity of teaching .
7 The piece starts quite confidently as a " narrative with an elaborated setting " ( I am using the terminology of Labov and Waletsky , 1967 ) .
8 The crucial difference between economic growth and development , as I am using the term here , is that development may include everything that is already included in economic growth plus criteria of distribution of the social product and democratic politics .
9 In so far as I am using an expression , as distinct from attending to it , I am at home in it .
10 ‘ Generally , for session work , I 'm using a Groove Tubes Trio preamp , which is fantastic , because the versatility of it is brilliant .
11 Right now I 'm using a Seymour Duncan ‘ 59 in the bass position and an old Gibson PAF , which is a really great pickup , in the treble .
12 ‘ Plus , I 'm using a Marshall 4x12 cabinet now as my main cabinet .
13 For amps I 'm using a THD ( Tweed Fender Bassman 4x10 style ) and an old white Tolex Fender Bassman piggyback set up with a Marshall 4x12 cabinet .
14 I use the rear brake , I 'm using my knee and I 'm using a lot of upper body weight to keep my weight at a certain angle to the bike . ’
15 I 'm using a white colour pencil here in order to draw a line from to the work that is being mounted on here .
16 Now in this particular case I 'm using a tap funnel Tap funnel just as it 's it 's Erm the concentrated acid you do n't just sort of pour it in and run away and leave it to it .
17 But I 'm using a computer , and there 's no need to adhere slavishly to the old methodologies .
18 Now what 's the question you can ask this hairdresser that got his own bus , I know I 'm using a , a an extreme
19 So I 'm using every resource I can a at the centre to push my photography at the moment .
20 In fact , I 'm using the Clapton Strat more than anything else at the moment in the studio .
21 Perhaps I 'm using the word loosely but it conveys what I mean .
22 I 'm using the both of right ?
23 I ca n't play with I 'm using the He-man .
24 Well I 'm using the lid so it 's alright , well give me , give me , there should be another one .
25 So he s , I said to him is it alright , says am I in danger of coasting if I 've got my foot on the if , if I 'm taking the corner in first and I 'm slipping and I got the clutch , I 'm using the engine but I 've , not much
26 Erm , it 's it 's alright being a naughty boy , it 's quite accepted that you are , I 'm using the the the masculine , because I can speak from a male point of view , I suppose .
27 I 'm using the duck side .
28 She told me this one is n't working so I 'm using the flat one .
29 This way I can knit the cuff and go straight on to the sleeve rather than gather the sleeve on to the cuff at a later stage , as would be necessary if I were using a 2x1 cuff .
30 I was using a hand-pump , and then an electric pump to stimulate my milk supply , although at first I was too distressed and unmotivated to do it as often as necessary and consequently did n't produce anything when I did pump .
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