Example sentences of "i [vb mod] [adv] describe " in BNC.

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1 My dear friend — if I may so describe him — the previous Foreign Secretary , who resigned from the right hon. Lady 's Government over Europe , was equally thrilled , although he did not express himself — he never does — in quite such colourful language .
2 I might mistakenly describe my sensory state as being an experience of pink ( things look pink to me here ) when in fact it is an experience of orange .
3 I could not describe it .
4 I could equally describe the dense wilderness that settles on you like a heavy hand , barely an hour 's walk from Yosemite 's granite architecture .
5 A taxi was called and Hugo and the children left for Liverpool Street and I was left alone with my own thoughts , in a state of mind I could only describe as lustless .
6 A lot of people who I 'd just describe as having I du n no , people with real dignity and real sense of pride who manage to bring up their kids and and survive in a decent way , in quite a hostile environment .
7 I would rather describe it as a lively interest . ’
8 I would n't describe the Sierra as fast off the mark , but it has sufficient power and cruises well .
9 I would n't describe Rattle 's treatment as in any way unfeeling , merely that the various strands are shaped and honed with an unusual sensitivity to detail but at a relatively low emotional temperature .
10 I would n't describe anything that was not what I had gone through and understood myself — in my experience or out of my imagination and other people 's words would n't do .
11 I would n't describe it as an assault but it was certainly reckless and dangerous play .
12 ‘ Memory or no memory , I would n't describe you as all in one piece , exactly , after last night . ’
13 But I would n't describe it as warm .
14 Alec Clifton-Taylor describes this stone as being ‘ absolutely dependable ’ , which is how I would also describe ‘ The Hagge ’ .
15 Save that I would not describe Mrs. Steed 's authority to execute the transfer as ‘ ostensible ’ authority , I am in complete and respectful agreement with the judge .
16 I would never describe Richmondshire as ridiculous .
17 I ca n't describe it otherwise .
18 I ca n't describe my feeling — a sort of emptiness , which is dreadfully painful — a sort of longing which can not be satisfied , but never goes away , indeed it increases daily … . ’
19 She seems very masculine , with short hair , jeans and heavy boots and she has a sort of butch look I ca n't describe .
20 I know what I felt like , I ca n't describe it .
21 I ca n't describe it , she had , her legs were out to the side , but they were pointing down like that
22 Because on the joist up right at the top near the side of the house , the brickwork , there 's erm I do n't well I ca n't describe them but cocoons or something like that .
23 That was good , so good I ca n't describe it .
24 The narrator says , ‘ I was there , I felt it , but I ca n't describe exactly what it was , ’ and everyone draws closer , fascinated .
25 I ca n't describe it , but I felt that something was wrong .
26 I ca n't describe the feeling tha t I get , ’ he explains .
27 I ca n't describe to you the agony of being told — and then having no means by which to find out …
28 As you will see , definitions of this type fit very badly with the institutions that I shall presently describe .
29 I shall also describe some of the remarkable things that seem to happen when one tries to combine the two theories .
30 These data were supplemented by the radar ‘ looking ’ sideways at the surface , a rather subtle technique which I shall not describe .
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