Example sentences of "i [adv] hear from " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Another strange comment I once heard from a doctor was that transsexuals were obsessed by sex , which was great news to us , especially to me , who lives like a monk . ’
2 And every day I hear more about what she thinks and why it 's upset her that I ever hear from George about anything .
3 The youngest of the trio — he was a-twenty-seven-year-old ex-seminarian who had been greatly under the influence of Molloy before going to Africa — began to sing , in a terrible , faltering voice , probably the most unmelodious I ever heard from a Danuese what sounded like the first lines of ‘ O , Mighty Mountain ! ’
4 What she 'd said was the nearest to regret and apology I ever heard from a malai .
5 Faith , that 's the first lie I ever heard from you ! ’
6 I also heard from experts in noise and vibration who gave information about how noise levels are measured and the units used .
7 I often hear from friends in the military business , because that 's near my own sort of work , that the German part of NATO is the only really big and solid part of NATO , as if that military tradition has revived , found itself again .
8 I simply heard from numerous of my friends that they were rung up by quite junior Whips who stressed that Alec was standing , having decided to renounce his peerage .
9 ‘ But nothing happened and I never heard from them . ’
10 I never heard from Alan again .
11 I never inquired after Jean-Claude and I never heard from him .
12 As soon as I signed them , I never heard from him anymore .
13 I never hear from her . ’
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