Example sentences of "i [be] [prep] favour " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is not that I am in favour of it , it is what is happening .
2 I am in favour of the orchestras .
3 Like many people , I am in favour of public transport in principle , but I will use a car , even on a holiday weekend like this , given half a chance .
4 I am in favour of televising because it is going down well with my constituents … the world is paying attention ’ , said Mr David Nicholson , MP for Taunton .
5 I am in favour of PR , out of a simple democratic belief in representing the wishes of the population as fairly as possible .
6 He was quite prepared to hail this as a ‘ great film ’ , for if critics were prepared to lavish that term ‘ on any half-chewed jumble of stills that comes in from abroad , then I am in favour of loosening up with it on the home front ’ .
7 I am in favour of somewhat greater powers of disposal being given to some of our national museums and galleries so that if an item was clearly surplus to a collection there would be power to dispose of it , provided that the funds realised were reinvested in the acquisition of other , perhaps contemporary material .
8 I am in favour of such policies , but a little confused about the Government 's current attitude .
9 I am in favour of that , but that is different from setting up international agencies whose legislation and ideas may have devastating effects on industries in western countries while leaving eastern countries to carry on processes over which the rest of us have no control .
10 I am in favour of some incentive beyond that represented by depreciation , because new methods tend to encourage new ideas of production , which is so important .
11 I am in favour of a regional band for London , based on average house prices .
12 So in general I am in favour of timetabling from the start .
13 I , for one , am not sure if I am in favour of remote boats , it may just be me getting older and , therefore , less responsive to new ideas and gadgets .
14 I think , on balance I am in favour of the aquad numbers .
15 I am in favour of the measures , ’ she said .
16 I am in favour of three points for a win and I will see if the organising committee can examine this for the future , ’ Blatter said .
17 I 'm in favour of the factory going ahead ’ .
18 I 'm in favour of people taking precautions to avoid pregnancy .
19 But in the final instance , I 'm in favour of women having a choice and I reckon their choice is none of my business .
20 " " And I 'm in favour , " said Roberta .
21 I 'm in favour Poland , Hungary , Romania to be brought in or are we going to remain this tight little club , which is not Europe , if it 's just that little
22 so I 'm in favour of leaving things as they are Chairman , er I think you , you , you 've done enough , you 've caused enough trouble already !
23 Erm , I 'm in favour because I had a walkabout with therefore I would like to say on five point three the and on five point six I would like to say B can we just have some traffic calming on the boundary , such as Lane , Road ?
24 Yeah , I 'm in favour of videos and things like that
25 I 'm in favour of a walk around some greenery myself , ’ he stated , and casually threw in , ‘ Care to come ? ’
26 I , I take what yo you say because I I 'm in favour of beat officers , but
27 I was in favour of hauling him in last week , but the powers-that-be thought it better to let him remain at large for the time being , in the hope that he might lead us to his employers . ’
28 I was in favour of a world religion — an all-enfolding religion rejecting no one , but I did not then know of a church or religion which would include all men .
29 He should understand that I was in favour of a social charter in Europe before there was any such thing as the European Community .
30 One of the reasons why I was in favour of televising the House and Committees was that I thought that it might be a good idea for the public to see Standing Committees , with Ministers doing their mail and others trying to hold up the business .
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