Example sentences of "i [be] [art] sort " in BNC.

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1 I am the sort of person , I would like to be a bus driver , work in a nursery .
2 you know maybe I am the sort of person they 're looking for who 's already done a little bit of surveying erm to join as a dogsbody and then over the two years or four years however long it does take erm you know slowly presumably you just get given more responsibilities .
3 ‘ Look , I am the sort of person who is always in demand — always !
4 I am the sort of man who enjoys dancing , but these steps are outside my ken .
5 He has denied he is on the verge of quitting — ‘ Im suprised if people thought I am the sort who takes my bat and ball home if I do nt get my way ’ .
6 I 'm a sort of on-site investment banker .
7 I like to think that I 'm a sort of poet
8 ‘ I told you , I 'm a sort of nanny . ’
9 ‘ To the boys I 'm a sort of mate .
10 I 'm a sort of bridge between the two ’ , he says .
11 I suppose I 'm a sort of kennel-maid — dogsbody .
12 Well I 'm a sort of ideas woman , and er , advisor , primarily to a series of canteens .
13 You see that does n't appeal to me , I 'm a sort of meat pie and potato
14 I 'm the sort of fellow who , after a hard day slogging away at the National Theatre , goes home and dips into a much-treasured , well-thumbed copy of Pope or Pepys .
15 I 'm the sort that they need and I ca n't handle it .
16 Then I 'm the sort of person who goes around picking up Jaguars that do n't belong to him .
17 I 'm the sort of person who wants to do everything for the people I love and he is the sort of person who 's self-sufficient , or seems to be … = ’ she paused .
18 In reply to accusations of self-interest on the eve of the Human Rights Now Tour Sting exploded : ’ I 'm the sort of person who really needs publicity , ha ha .
19 ‘ It means I 'm the sort of town clerk for the garrison , ’ he said .
20 I 'm the sort of Jim 'll Fix It of marriage problems , ’ he said .
21 Really , I 'm the sort
22 Yeah although it did n't , it did n't I w I was n't too concerned about it , I thought well you know I 'm resting er and er I 'm the sort of person who only needs about six hours , if I get six hours I 'm okay erm , you know , on a regular basis I 'm talking about .
23 Mind , I suppose if I were the sort of person you obviously think I am I would have known about your predilection for pretty girls — and your low boredom threshold , ’ she said scathingly .
24 And erm but I mean I remember when I I was doing er work with the Open University now I was a sort of er tutor with them or counsellor with them and I think we used to say ten to fifteen hours work a week
25 Hence the Communication Research Centre , of which I was a sort of caretaker at that time , was conveniently regarded as an embryonic Linguistics Department .
26 And she used to sleep in and then a little bit after that she went to live in Liverpool with my grandmother and went to work there so s I I s I was the sort of erm eldest one at home then you know so I felt as if I was more or less responsible for looking after my mam sort of thing .
27 The days of being the last one to leave any night out — ‘ I was the sort who was afraid he was missing out on something ’ — were then at an end .
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