Example sentences of "i [be] [adv] interested " in BNC.

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1 I can confirm that both [ name of second partner ] and I are most interested in the [ Industry ] sector and would be delighted to carry out assignments on your behalf .
2 Erm Steve and Mark and I are definitely interested so that 's three people so we 're looking for another three people to share .
3 I am also interested in motoring at minimum cost !
4 I am also interested in everything !
5 It is the interactional structure that I am most interested in this chapter , but , as we shall see , the psychological and interactional structures are mutually dependent .
6 Some of what I have to say does in fact apply to literature generally , but much of it is specific to the novel , the literary form in which I am most interested , both as a literary critic and as a practising writer .
7 ‘ But I am particularly interested to know if the United Kingdom incurs a significant transportation cost penalty on its exports to Europe which puts this country at a commercial and economic disadvantage to the rest of the Community .
8 I am particularly interested in details about your parents .
9 I am particularly interested in the effects the strike had on the breweries , local farms , hospitals and the railway stations as well as other industries in the area .
10 I know that I am particularly interested in management , conservation and the environment .
11 I would welcome any information on this and I am particularly interested in hearing from anyone who has experience of facilitating or participating in any such evaluation .
12 Said Usher : ‘ I am particularly interested in the motors , which have been a problem in the past , and how abrasive fluids affect the metallurgy of the pumps .
13 I am particularly interested in the project in Dartington .
14 She sees herself as ‘ a fighter and a campaigner who is good at getting to the root of the problem , ’ adding : ‘ I am particularly interested in the individual , personal difficulties that people have . ’
15 I am more interested in the varying symbolic functions they fulfil .
16 ‘ It seems likely that you were the last person to see Glynn alive , apart from his murderer , but at the moment I am more interested in what you can tell me about him — the sort of man he was — and about his friends and his enemies as far as you can .
17 ‘ I used to just swot up on learning the key words and churning them out computer fashion , but now I am more interested in what they mean .
18 And I am very interested in you as a person . ’
19 But although I am very interested in analysing , there are priorities .
20 ‘ Yes , Corbett , I am very interested in what you find .
21 I am very interested by all three , but why not Charles Ray or Kiki Smith ?
22 On a different note — I am very interested in the artist Peter Howson , who painted Psycho Squad .
23 I am very interested .
24 But I come here to address you , in all humility , because I am very interested in the subject of your conference ; and with the vanity of an old man I would like to take part , not as an outsider addressing budding scientists — a bit of ‘ general studies ’ thrown in for relaxation between the serious business — but as a fellow enquirer into the workings of the brain .
25 I am very interested in building a special case for an additional structural fund because of our exclusion . ’
26 I am very interested in attitudes to women , how women are viewed because of the stereotypes perpetuated by men .
27 I would like the opportunity of saying yes I am very interested .
28 I am very interested in the history of my own family ; in the kinds of people they became and why .
29 I am only interested in getting your name back to the Red Cross as soon as possible so that your mother and father will be saved unnecessary worry .
30 At present I am only interested in the extra amount it costs to take the car out on the road .
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