Example sentences of "that behind [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It follows that behind every statement we make about the historical Jesus there has to be a tacit qualification : ‘ We are told this by such-and-such an evangelist , writing in a particular literary mode , far a particular audience , in a particular place at a particular period of history . ’
2 I see that behind the bluff little moustache and the liquid , fish-liver eyes — in my photograph the eyes are turned towards the prince of Wales ( himself a rather ghostly figure under a solar helmet ) — shelters another presence .
3 They know that behind the posing , the lippy interviews and Piotr 's cocky , and somewhat questionable , backstage assertion that ‘ music only began in 1980 , everything before was just rubbish , ’ at the core of all truly great bands are , well , truly great songs .
4 Whilst not denying the symbolic role of leaders , radical elite theorists are more concerned to establish that behind the diversity of official power holders in every liberal democracy there is a defacto centralization of ‘ real ’ decision-making power in the hands of a core executive : the locus of the power elite .
5 So that behind the changes of direction , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , this has always been a constant , the feeling of disgust in the pit of the stomach .
6 All our lives , we shall know that behind the veils of the transcendent is a world of freedom waiting for us , with its meadows of delight .
7 What is clear is that behind the brilliance of the official Court there lay a core of family — one is tempted to say bourgeois — life , but this is not , of course , how the Second Empire is remembered , for few even of the courtiers were admitted to the intimacy of the Imperial family and the general public not at all .
8 So we think : is she saying that behind the glamour and the adulation , especially from young girls , she is really just one of them ?
9 However , not only is the wind downwind of a sail affected but also that behind the board , since the sail curves the wind and it takes a few board lengths for it to revert to its normal direction .
10 This was the proper enterprise of the loving wife , to defend her man ; the men performed their acts of authority and occupied the seats of visible influence , but you did n't have to be especially keen-eyed to see that behind the card-players and the drinkers , the officials in their pompous uniforms , the clerks with their mounds of bureaucratic forms , the farmers and the peasants , women were standing .
11 For example , Marx 's economic theory insists that behind the surface phenomenon of wildly fluctuating market prices for goods and services there lies an underlying and controlling structure of values , which are determined not by the supply and demand forces which obsess ‘ bourgeois ’ economists , but by the laws of the labour theory of value .
12 In the case of Romania , people suspected that behind the arguments about economies of scale and equalized standards of living lay more sinister purposes .
13 She did not know as she smiled innocently at the flowers that behind the cigarette smoke was the cause of future sorrow in her life .
14 Yet another , Bertrand Blier , senses that behind the clowning ‘ there is a terrible sense of anguish . ’
15 The form alone would be as nothing , a shell , but with the knowledge we have that behind the form is the reality — that behind the ritual on the physical plane there is a spiritual significance .
16 Well — the argument goes — it must be because we do not think that behind the parrot 's utterance is the thought ‘ I 'm going to the bank ’ .
17 But when the appeal of fire-spewing guitars and exploding basses started to pall , Kiss were forced to prove that behind the pan-stick and pyrotechnics lay a band with staying power .
18 As they rounded the edge of the building , he could see that behind the house was a vast garden .
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