Example sentences of "that would be expect " in BNC.

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1 The numbers of the skeletal elements are usually expressed as proportions of the numbers that would be expected to be present for a given number of prey individuals , which is usually the minimum number of individuals ( MNI ) .
2 That is the verdict that would be expected from a Government department , but it is not the whole story .
3 Second , it has yet to be shown that the reverse experiment , removing the immediately adjacent areas of the cortex while leaving area 17 intact , has the devastating effects on visual perception that would be expected .
4 This distance relation score measures the degree of attraction between a lemma and its collocates , by comparing the frequency of a collocate in the concordances with the frequency that would be expected were all words distributed in the text at random .
5 Women 's increasing commitment to the labour market does not appear to pay off in the way that would be expected if people were actually rewarded according to their ability and effort .
6 As the shuttle dropped towards the station 's central bulk , Ace found it even more disturbing that she could identify , nestling between ridges of ruched titanium or perhaps in the centre of an ammonite-like coil , a few of the features that would be expected on the outside of a space station .
7 Four months ' observations of QB 1 reveal an orbit that would be expected for a Kuiper-belt object , although there is still considerable uncertainty in the eccentricity .
8 The author has developed an iterative method of calculating the synonym percentages that would be expected as a result of loading buckets of various capacities to a range of packing densities .
9 Botanically , oases contain only the alga-lichen-moss communities that would be expected in continental habitats relatively recently freed from ice ( i.e. during the last few thousand years ) , where water is scarce and winds are strong .
10 The directions are those that would be expected if the pigeons use the sun as a compass , making allowance for the movements of the sun through the day .
11 Equation ( 2.2 ) suggests that the chosen wealth measure has the characteristics that would be expected of the ‘ true ’ wealth series since the imposition of a unit wealth elasticity proves data acceptable with a Wald statistic .
12 Smoking and drug histories were taken although no patient was receiving any treatment that would be expected to give rise to DNA damage .
13 Moreover , there is little seismic evidence for the intermediate and deep earthquakes below the Himalayas that would be expected if active subduction is , in fact , occurring .
14 It is now only a short step to think of comparing ‘ local ’ specific mortality patterns ( m a ) with a standard ( m s ) by means of a weighted average over the age groups of the ratios of m a to m s , using as weights the deaths that would be expected locally if the standard specific mortalities were to apply , i.e. m s x P a This is called the standardized mortality ratio ( SMR ) .
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