Example sentences of "that they could see " in BNC.

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1 When puppies for research were raised in isolation in laboratory , it was noticed that the ill-effects of such rearing could be somewhat offset by cutting a window into the side of their box so that they could see out into the busy laboratory .
2 Their relatives were overjoyed that they could see them on stage when they returned to their home town in the summer for a couple of weeks at the prestigious new Palace of Varieties .
3 Inside , the blaze was already fierce , fanned by the high wind , the heat building up so that they could see the metal beginning to glow .
4 The water was warm and still and so very clear that they could see the lights of the suspended arc-lamps even before they dipped below the surface of the darkened Aegean .
5 For the worry that they themselves might go down the same road meant that they could see that teachers who were now ‘ like that ’ had once been enthusiastic , committed students like themselves .
6 She said to them , sometimes , but she 's a widow , she lives all alone , she has no one , she seems to expect it of me : and they sympathized all the more , and said that they could see how hard it must be for Clara to break away .
7 Then he opened the front door so that they could see where they were going , and flicked the bathroom light off .
8 Floy had spent several hours in deep discussion with Snodgrass and , between them , they had made an attempt to sketch out the layout of Tara , so that they could see if there were any weak areas they might make use of .
9 Divers found the waters were so murky that they could see nothing and had to make their search by touch .
10 Then I remember what it 's been doing : nothing that they could see , because it 's hidden behind my beard .
11 In a moment , they were far enough out that they could see miles down the rocky shoreline … and they could see the other boaters scrambling up on to a piece of rock .
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