Example sentences of "that she [be] no " in BNC.

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1 The only physical change should be that she is no longer able to have children .
2 A time will come when you will know that she is no longer saying to herself , ‘ If I ca n't have him , I do n't want anything ’ .
3 Since she was capable of loving so deeply , she can still , if she chooses , remain in the business of giving and receiving love for as long as she lives , for although she may feel that she is no longer everything to anyone , she can still mean a great deal to a number of people .
4 If , however , your parent is so seriously ill physically or mentally that she is no longer capable of dealing with her own financial affairs at any level , arrangements can be made by her solicitor for these to be dealt with by a government department known as the Court of Protection , and you should discuss this matter with the solicitor .
5 It cuts the ground from under her , and depresses her , at a time when she is fully aware that she is no longer sexually desirable , but is trying to build a new and satisfying image as an elegant , wise , elderly woman who is still interesting as a person .
6 And while Monika has been told unofficially that she is no longer welcome as a teacher of religious studies at St Thomas More School , Bedford , Father O' Neill continues to enjoy the protection of the church as a practising priest .
7 Steffi is happy though that she is no longer the flavour of the moment for the more inquisitive press .
8 But the addition of paid work to the housewife 's activities does not mean that she is no longer a housewife .
9 It burned and raged through her like a fever , until she began to imagine that she was no longer herself , no longer human at all , but the heart of fire , the savage tooth , the embodiment of the very essence of pain .
10 But the woman , though she must , of course , have realized that she was no longer beautiful , forgot that for the moment .
11 Recently , she had started thinking the future was hopeless and that she was no longer able to look after her husband and daughter properly .
12 She was ashamed of her sharpness , but the heat seemed to penetrate her brain , taking over her senses so that she was no longer in control .
13 She found it impossible to admit , even to herself , the relief which flooded her whole being at the idea that she was no longer bound to live out her life in Tollemarche .
14 It marked a vital staging post on Constance 's path to independence and made clear to Nora that she was no longer dealing with a child .
15 He did not take long in drinking his tea but by the time he had finished it , he saw that she was no longer at the counter , her place having been taken by another girl .
16 She must have realised that she was no longer encumbered , but completely free .
17 This at least meant that she was no longer expected to walk .
18 As she mingled with the guests at the Queen 's Scottish home she realized that she was no longer treated as a person but as a position , no longer a flesh and blood human being with thoughts and feelings but a symbol where the very title ‘ Her Royal Highness , the Princess of Wales ’ distanced her not only from the wider public but from those within the intimate royal circle .
19 Everything would have combined to emphasize the fact that she was no longer part of the terrain her ancestors had occupied for so many generations .
20 Well , now that she was no longer there , he would have to pay attention ; would know that she had been serious .
21 Knew that she was no longer a child .
22 Before she finished here and made her way to the sitting room , there were certain things she must say to Cissie , and she must say them without alarming the girl , yet , at the same time , make her aware that she was no longer a child , that she already had the mark of a woman on her .
23 She was altogether beautiful and of no special age , except that she was no longer young .
24 He wondered why Pinkie mentioned Laura , then realised with sinking heart that she was no longer keeping her discontent to herself and the echo of it must have travelled for some distance .
25 More people began to come in , so that she was no longer alone on the paved bit with her magazine and her sandwiches and her towel .
26 From long experience , Belinda 's younger brothers would have known in an instant by the crisp , deceptively mild tone that she was no longer fooling around , but unfortunately Greg Carey was n't possessed of this experience , so he said on a thick , purring note , ‘ Because you need to loosen up , get rid of some inhibitions .
27 Only the grip of his hand on her arm joined their bodies together , yet the union seemed complete and total so that she was no longer a separate entity .
28 She never knew how long she slept , but when she drifted back to consciousness she was aware even before opening her eyes that she was no longer alone in the room , and her body stiffened .
29 ‘ He 's counting on you , of course , ’ she said , and now that she was no longer whispering , her voice was slightly sharp .
30 — And that was bad enough , the appalling jumble of emotions , the appalling realisation that she was no longer free , but what was worse was all the rest of it , the things she 'd learned , or guessed .
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