Example sentences of "that they [modal v] give " in BNC.

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1 They instructed us to tell the promoter that they would give some money towards the gig 's adverts in the local papers .
2 In Tokyo , Mr Miyazawa , Prime Minister , employed a classic Japanese stalling tactic , telling Jiang that they would give ‘ serious consideration ’ to China 's invitation .
3 The irony of Labour 's tax proposals is that they would give Britain an income tax profile like that in the United States , where the burden falls hardest on middle income families with children .
4 Although , if it was a French war , might it also be assumed that the Vietnamese , whose tendency to sit on the fence was the subject of American as well as French complaint , would want to join in with the same enthusiasm that they would give to a national cause ?
5 Since most women did marry , most teenage girls assumed that they would do so and that they would give up work then .
6 At the conclusion of the hearing of this petition for special leave to appeal their Lordships announced that they would humbly advise Her Majesty that the petitioner ought to be granted special leave to appeal and that they would give their reasons later .
7 I. , N. and R. It may be indeed that such doctors will be willing to say that they would give the very authority for mechanical intervention which the doctors who have so far given evidence did not support .
8 He made himself as meek as a lamb , hoping perhaps that they would give him an extra morsel of food or some other favour .
9 They decided that they would give as much cash to people in their native Dublin as possible during filming .
10 Greenpeace in turn criticized the Commission 's proposals on the grounds that they would give industry a licence to burn waste rather than encourage it to minimize the production of waste .
11 Well I think an awful lot of people think of Oxfam and think of the shops , er and the shops have been terribly important to us for such a long time , but we 've found a few years ago that er people who , er were asked said that they would give money to Oxfam , but that they were n't necessarily always asked .
12 Cos that 's whatsername 's erm Kenny said that they might give you an injection .
13 ‘ I think they 're being watched in the hope that they 'll give something away .
14 A second role of coins in the study of portraiture lies in the help that they may give in the identification of other portraits , particularly sculptures , since it is only very rarely that the latter 's accompanying inscriptions have survived to identify them .
15 For all people , that they may give glory to God for the gifts of speech , hearing and sight which make communication possible , and for the audiovisual media which nourish these gifts in new and marvellous ways .
16 Animals again can easily be accommodated at this level but it will not follow from this that they will be capable of the conscious distress or anxiety of a parent at an injury to their child , or of the hamstrung athlete warned by the doctor that they must give up running .
17 By May 1915 Unionist leaders were convinced that they must give up some independence if they were to influence the war ; the liquor issue seemed to show the danger of staying aloof , and the shell scandal seemed to show that they were needed inside .
18 Innate within him was the ability to put committee members at their ease , so that they could give of their best , and he could abstract the maximum amount of information .
19 Indeed , there is a greater likelihood that they could give the names of more researchers in the same field in another country than they could give the names of staff in other disciplines in the same building .
20 He then generally obliged the heirs and entrusted to them that they should give and make over to each person whatever he had left them .
21 Despite the unceremonious manner of the suggestion , she agreed that they should give the idea a try .
22 Quite apart from the fact that they would appear to be unorthodox and a distortion at its best of Christian theology , I believe it must be said of all these suggestions that , if what is intended is that they should give an equal place to women or to the ‘ feminine ’ within the Christian religion , they fail .
23 But although Cuvier won immense prestige for his work as a comparative anatomist , he was unable to convince many naturalists that they should give up all hope of being able to predict the overall pattern of natural relationships and hence the ‘ missing ’ species still waiting to be discovered .
24 It is a common mistake to buy large trees in the belief that they will give quicker cover .
25 They have a working knowledge of contract law and other legal areas which affect musicians , such as noise levels and music licences , so that they can give advice on anything and everything that affects musicians .
26 It stand out like a sore thumb sometimes when I 'm with them , I find people with handicapped children are real people , are people who are people with their children being , talking to them , instead of things that they can give them , you know .
27 I commend to him early-day motion 209 , tabled by the hon. Member for Cambridgeshire , South-West ( Sir A. Grant ) , which calls on the Government to take a more realistic view of the help that they can give to telecommunications if those important jobs are to be safeguarded .
28 They need to know that they can give you your professional , their professional attention they will not make it compulsively , the majority party of what went wrong this is you were no longer the majority party .
29 There 's other associates who like to know beforehand roughly how much they can provide for people by way of life cover and living assurance , so that they can give the people some idea , or maybe want to sit in front of them and use the rate book to give them some idea .
30 instead of saying , telling the er insurance people that they 'd give them the bills and they could pay them as they came in , he said they 'd got a lump sum .
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