Example sentences of "that it is hard " in BNC.

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1 We realize that it is hard .
2 Transport generally , and cars in particular , is such a huge business that it is hard to see its growth being checked without serious economic consequences .
3 Most of the federal judges appointed by President Reagan are so convinced the market has its own fail-safe mechanisms for everything that it is hard to imagine them upholding a challenge to any merger .
4 The problem is that it is hard .
5 Richard Baxter observed the truth of our Lord 's teaching that it is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven , but the poor received the Gospel gladly .
6 The problem is that it is hard to equate this kind of growth with that of any known animal group .
7 ‘ We learnt that it is hard to build models to scale from a drawing as they are not very accurate in size .
8 The USA has imported some really excellent dogs , so many in fact that it is hard to see why the constant influx of new blood is required .
9 But to say that it is hard does not make it less desirable , neither does it mean that governments should abandon the attempt .
10 These beautifully coloured amphibians , usually less than 2 inches long , carry in their skin-glands a poison so powerful that it is hard to describe its strength .
11 The rest of the tail is bright , vivid blue — so intense that it is hard to see anything else in its vicinity , including the head and body of the small reptile .
12 There is , indeed , so much vigour in the playing that it is hard to credit him with the age the dictionaries seem to agree on ( he was six months short of his 75th birthday when he made these recordings ) .
13 But this attitude was vehemently attacked by the campaign organisers , who argued that it is hard to influence the number of partners people have .
14 At the river mouths are stones and huge boulders brought down when the rivers are in flood , although most of the year there is so little water in the rivers that it is hard to imagine .
15 Others are famous or notorious people who generate so many tales that it is hard to separate what is true and what is not .
16 Chairmen rely on the old boy network in the belief that it is hard to find appropriately qualified NEDs , adds PRONED managing director Colin St Johnston .
17 The point is not that we in any way deliberately do down the intelligence of animals — although we do this as well — but that it is hard for us to imagine the workings of forms of intelligence that have evolved to cope with environmental circumstances different from our own .
18 It is as though Lawrence was acknowledging that it is hard for human beings to say what they feel and that we often have to search for the form of words before we can find the words themselves .
19 It is well known in the executive search world that it is hard to prise really good people out of IBM or indeed attract those out of IBM whom IBM truly wish to keep .
20 Yet these define their ‘ membership ’ in such different ways that it is hard to draw conclusions from their figures .
21 A sign of the country 's plight is that it is hard to say which would be the better investment .
22 More than anything else it has changed the public lifestyle of Catholicism for the ordinary churchgoer so that it is hard for the young actually to realize that thirty years ago Mass said wholly in Latin , including even a first reading of Epistle and Gospel , was simply taken for granted by most people .
23 The Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals ' report suggested that part of the explanation for paying little attention to teaching skills in appointing university staff is that many people believe that it is hard to measure teaching ability .
24 The opportunities opened up by the technical innovations are so large and exciting that it is hard to grasp the full extent of the change .
25 Third , the Acropolis of Athens — a feature which , like some other masterpieces of nature or art , is so familiar that it is hard to see it with fresh eyes — was an inevitable centre for the rynoikism or concentration of Attica from a plurality of villages into a mia polis , ‘ one city ’ .
26 Over the past few months they have been told that their primary and community health care is awful ; now the government tells them that accident and emergency departments will shut , along with 2000-odd hospital beds , when their immediate evidence is that it is hard to get into hospital .
27 The saddest thing of all is that it is hard to see how a different outcome was ever possible .
28 Moreover , the secrecy that bedevils British government is of such a kind that it is hard to discover the truth on matters of state power .
29 The point is that it is hard to see the subject-matter under attack as determinations which are so unreasonable that no reasonable authority could come to them , at least not when viewed as Lord Greene M.R. visualised the notion .
30 However , evidence regarding the latter , which is more plentiful than that on family violence , shows that it is hard to draw clear lines of demarcation between different sections of the working class .
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