Example sentences of "that it [be] necessary " in BNC.

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1 I mean , I 'd like to do the things that , my hobbies , but I go out there because I care and I see that I feel that it 's necessary to , to actually stop these people tormenting an animal for fun and if I 'm that concerned about animals , I 'm not gon na stoop to hurt a horse , or or the hounds !
2 And we 'd seen photographs of these and they were marvellous , and he said to me , I should like to see these fl these flats , he said er , I 'm gon na convince the Board that it 's necessary in the interests of the firm for me to go to Austria , you see .
3 I need to know that it 's necessary to remove all those trees I 've been told all sorts of things like they 're in pots and they 'll become pot bound they 're growing outwards they might fall down they might fracture mains they block off the er view of the church well I think they 're a nice asset in the city centre .
4 This is a city without a lot of parks in its centre only the Castle and er not a lot of trees not mature trees so er er I need to know that it 's necessary to move these trees .
5 Write the word " client " in the margin against any information that it 's necessary to impart ( and your client should be kept fully informed on every matter that might be of material interest ) , ticking this , as already mentioned , when you " ve done so .
6 Erm , there 's many suggestions I 've got here , where I 've just taken the necessary action in view of the procedures and I do n't feel that it 's necessary for us to discuss it , if you 're happy with that .
7 He compares war in modern circumstances with a plague , and tries to make us see that we have exactly the same universal common interest in transcending military conflict that we have in getting plague under control , and that it 's necessary to use all our intelligence and imagination to break the millennial connection of intersocial change with war , and then he goes on to make practical proposals .
8 Merely to count all the details that it is necessary to accumulate from the preparation of a scenario and score through rehearsal to public performance should make it clear that co-operation from other artists as well as from dancers is required .
9 We do not believe that it is necessary to placate God in such a way .
10 Well , perhaps this is a few too many , but he knows after many years ' experience that he can ask for this and that it is necessary .
11 In order to do so I do not feel that it is necessary to ‘ prove ’ the existence of God in the sense of demonstrating with mathematical certainty that He exists .
12 The number of miles that it is necessary to travel in order to accomplish this are simply phenomenal .
13 Section 2 authorizes warrants to be issued by the Home Secretary for the purposes of interception and provides that a warrant shall not be issued unless the Home Secretary considers that it is necessary : ( a ) in the interests of national security ; ( b ) for the purpose of preventing or detecting serious crime ; or ( c ) for the purpose of safeguarding the economic well-being of the United Kingdom .
14 Given that crime is behaviour that breaks rules , it might seem odd that functionalists argue that it is necessary and useful for society .
15 Both assume that local intervention should be deeper and more fundamental than merely ‘ servicing capital ’ , and both also accept that it is necessary to change the structure of declining local economies if regeneration is to come about .
16 For most people it seems that it is necessary to stay long enough to enjoy the bad weather as well as the good , to gain a true appreciation of the countryside .
17 This process abandons the old idea that it is necessary to start with a two-carbon feedstock to make the two-carbon acetic acid .
18 This means that it is necessary to work closely with local authorities , and to do so in selecting a site as well as in the construction of the power station and its subsequent operation .
19 Curriculum planners would all agree that it is necessary to establish strong and efficient links between the machinery for curriculum development and public assessment .
20 Preobrazhensky not only forgot that it is necessary to examine each mode of production in its specific , if general , forms but also that the manner of investigation will be conditioned by these forms .
21 Because the procedure can not apply to development already started and it is generally as quick to apply for actual permission if the planning authority 's officer advises that it is necessary , this does not get as much use as might be expected .
22 The Council for National Parks would like to see a situation similar to that in America , where the onus is on the developer to prove that his proposal is in the interest of the park , that it is necessary and also appropriate .
23 They believe that it is necessary to look at the parents individually .
24 She maintains that it is necessary to return to the ancient sources of healing with oils .
25 3.10 If in the future and agree that it is necessary or desirable to register a copyright or other intellectual property right anywhere in the world with respect to the Licensed Products , and will co-operate and each take such action as is required to register the right in question in the name of the party to whom said right belong .
26 The other part , the part that needs to communicate , to reach an audience , knows that it is necessary to come out of that darkly private place , to present one 's writing in public , to gauge the responses of a listening group .
27 Even so , one could argue that it is necessary for sociolinguists at least to attempt such a distinction between folklinguistic stereotype and linguistic fact : particularly when the stereotypes in question are both ludicrous and contemptuous of women speakers .
28 Just because it is a necessary last resort for one refused instruction does not mean that it is necessary for another .
29 He does not believe that it is necessary to like or even respect your movie co-star .
30 These are the only rights of persons ( we can certainly call them rights since they are protected by law ) that it is necessary and makes sense to attribute to the infant now .
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