Example sentences of "that [pos pn] love for " in BNC.

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1 That my love for my son has interfered with my passion for truth and justice .
2 I should hate to give the impression that my love for you is but thinly disguised lust .
3 Yes , something was going on inside her : recently , she was pursued by the idea that her love for Paul was merely a matter of will : merely the will to love him ; merely the will to have a happy marriage .
4 However irrational , she knew that her love for him had somehow betrayed Philippe .
5 He looked like a rat , she thought steadily , knowing that her love for him was not by an atom diminished .
6 She had n't meant to ask anything of the sort , but realised then that her love for Naylor , her basic need to know more and everything about him , had got in the way of the fury she felt at his latest bossy manoeuvre .
7 Emerson noticed this propensity of flags to make ordinary people ‘ poets and mystics ’ , to set off a tingle in the blood ; and flags were festooned round Iran-contra like bunting , exceedingly hard Brought to trial , the players could not believe that their love for their country had caused them to commit crimes ; and the light penalties handed down to all these men , with only Poindexter receiving a jail sentence , suggested that the judges , to some degree , accepted patriotism in mitigation .
8 She had known that his love for her would remain , and ‘ for her to have acted on that knowledge ’ in resorting to the deception ‘ made her deed unforgivable ’ .
9 Yet such evidence as there is suggests that his love for his wife had been deepened by the way she had stood by him during his years in prison .
10 She had believed him even now , even after what had happened and was happening , when he had said that his love for her remained as it had ever been , something eternal .
11 This was not merely to reassure his wife , but to make clear to Sarah that his love for Elizabeth had never wavered .
12 Leith was n't embarrassed , just saddened that his love for her friend had brought him to this , as he revealed how , for fear of losing what little chance he had with Rosemary , he had kept quiet about his love when he 'd wanted to shout it from the rooftops .
13 Regan declares her love to be identical with Goneril 's , only that she has understated it ( we had scarce thought it possible to go beyond Goneril ) : To claim that your love for your father exceeds all the joys which can be derived from the senses — with your newly wedded husband standing by — is to claim too much .
14 But you remember how intense your feelings were for someone who was your whole life , and you 're afraid that your love for him is n't so much dead as lying doggo , ready to rise up and damage everything you hold dear .
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