Example sentences of "that [noun prp] have chosen " in BNC.

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1 She was younger and more beautiful and much more clever than any other mother , and she told her friends that Frankie had chosen the name all by himself to prove just how much he loved her .
2 It was immediately obvious that Wheeler had chosen the earliest possible date to fit his hypothesis .
3 The first thing to strike me about the EX was that Ibanez have chosen to reduce the size of their name on the headstock from its usual HI THERE ! status to a very modestly-sized logo that would almost certainly not get served in my local .
4 His argument was that Tacitus had chosen the wrong period and provided bad examples for princes , whereas Polybius introduced the modern politicians to a noble period of ancient history .
5 I found it odd that Robert had chosen to distinguish me alone as English and wondered how he saw himself and Lili and I found it odd that Lili had chosen to lay claim to Englishness .
6 It was between these two objets that Conchis had chosen , whether with perversion , with humour , or with simple bad taste , I could n't decide , to place another photo of the Edwardian girl , his dead fiancée .
7 I found it odd that Robert had chosen to distinguish me alone as English and wondered how he saw himself and Lili and I found it odd that Lili had chosen to lay claim to Englishness .
8 In a way she was happy that Harry had chosen to come to her in his distress , yet it highlighted his attitude towards her .
9 And he did , up to the hilt , as soon as it was clear to him that Vincent had chosen his life 's work and intended to concentrate on it enthusiastically , against all the odds .
10 In the Renaissance the word had implied that God had chosen certain laws for his world out of the possible range , like the founder of a Greek city-state deciding upon certain laws rather than others .
11 I think all along the line I felt a great sense of privilege at being able to share the gospel , and that God had chosen , and was going to use me .
12 It is good to know that God has chosen QP to share in the work of the Collicts and the Meikles through the BMS World Mission Link .
13 It is good to know that God has chosen QP to share in the work of the Collict and Meikle families through World Mission Link .
14 It was thought that Iraq had chosen to respond to the appeal from a friendly leader of the Non-aligned Movement , rather than be seen as giving in to Western pressure .
15 Codemasters ' director David Darling said : ‘ The fact that Sega has chosen to wait to sue until just before our commercial launch shows this is a blatant attempt to keep us from the market they control . ’
16 It probably had n't been all that good-looking in any case — it was said that Zlorf had chosen a profession in which dark hoods , cloaks and nocturnal prowlings figured largely because there was a day-fearing trollish streak in his parentage .
17 At first I thought it ironic that Jean-Claude had chosen a Jewish friend to use .
18 All this would be fine were it not for the fact that Pearce has chosen to support the main course of his assault with a little verbal side-dish , to wit : an attack on Punch .
19 Why , Leith thought bracingly , were it not for the fact that Rosemary had chosen that weekend to visit her parents in Hazelbury , then Rosemary would probably be in her flat with her drinking coffee right now .
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