Example sentences of "that [det] would mean " in BNC.

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1 But then they had realized that that would mean their Dad was all alone and so they had prayed again , that they could all be together in one place or the other .
2 There was a notion that that would mean conservatism , getting rid of the minority programmes .
3 Industrialists do not want to return to Labour party policies because they know full well that that would mean Front-Bench Labour Members taking decisions instead of them .
4 It is necessary to have a lot of different stages , so that you 're coming to it fresh each time , and I used to find when I was younger that that would mean putting it aside for several days .
5 It gives me great pleasure to announce that that would mean Cherwell District Council would have to disappear as well , and that would be another blip off the horizon erm but that what would happen you would therefore have a smaller authority , who would then become the Education Authority , and that would be would have to be , I think , somewhere in between the current District Council size in Cherwell or the Vale , of what about a hundred thousand , and the present county , which is rather more than half a million .
6 The extra hour of daylight in the winter evenings that this would mean would also be accompanied by an extra hour of darkness in the winter mornings .
7 The farmer 's servants were all for pulling out the weeds but the farmer pointed out that this would mean that some of the good wheat would also be lost .
8 He was black and it was conveyed to him in a most unambiguous way that this would mean pressure for him , but it was the way in which he responded that challenged conventional images of black kids .
9 The Protestant element favoured complete union with England , in spite of warnings that this would mean subjugation — by peaceful means rather than the warlike ones of the past , but subjugation nonetheless .
10 Philip had opened the proceedings by again suggesting an exchange of conquests , but Richard opposed this , arguing that this would mean that he gave up lands , including the Quercy , which brought him an annual revenue of a thousand marks or more , in return for estates in Berry which , though they were fiefs belonging to Aquitaine , were in fact held by other lords and so were of very little direct financial benefit to him .
11 ‘ Mainly cooks and cripples , ’ he said cheerfully , and the family hoped that this would mean that he stayed in England , but when he returned to London after his leave the battalion was made up to strength and moved to Howick in Scotland .
12 The Shah told " Moustachio " that he had avoided a bloodbath and he hoped that this would mean that one day the monarchy could again play a part in Iranian life .
13 One might assume that this would mean necessarily that the C. and A.G. audited all the Health Authorities .
14 A less controversial proposal was a constitutional ban on the extradition of drug traffickers to stand trial in the United States ; Gaviria denied that this would mean traffickers would be treated more leniently [ see p. 38001 ] .
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