Example sentences of "that [pers pn] provided [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The lady , who founded the carers ' help line , er , in the literature that you provided for the programme was suggesting that the government should recognise that there are six million unpaid carers .
2 The 1965 changes were the first significant constitutional development since 1957 , in that they provided for a review of the purposes and activities of the Community , incorporating also a schedule for a single European Community by 1970 .
3 Divergent political objectives notwithstanding , the obvious goodwill between Ho and the Americans , the limited but successful training teams that they provided for Vietminh guerrillas , and the obvious sympathy which many Americans — in particular , it seems the OSS — had for the cause of Vietnamese independence , not to mention corresponding doubts of the French title to Vietnam , all of these understandably encouraged the Vietminh in their political objective of the accomplished fact .
4 In the latter half of the twentieth century , belief in Sandys ' nuclear philosophy counted for less than the political opportunity that it provided for ending National Service .
5 Indeed it was historic , in that it provided for the first time for the elimination of an entire class of nuclear arms — land-based missiles of intermediate and shorter range .
6 There was another feature of the legislation , in that it provided for new ways of involving the public in plan preparation .
7 Nor did he reveal any keener affinity with Schubert in the rather mechanical , plainly stated accompaniments that he provided for the mezzo Yvonne Howard .
8 Wycliffe asked no question and , after a pause , Maurice continued : ‘ You see , under my father 's will Matthew got the bookshop on condition that he provided for Sara ; Alfred had his pharmacy ; and this place , where I had already started the pottery , should have been mine .
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