Example sentences of "that [pron] needed to " in BNC.

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1 From the tarn , I followed my nose down to a cairn that stands on the shoulder above Deepdale Side where the view down Deepdale into Dentdale was so good that I sat and looked at it for a good half-hour until the thought that I needed to be home by late afternoon pushed me on down to the green lane of the old Craven Way .
2 ‘ I had n't realised that I needed to be a hypochondriac to qualify for your — affections . ’
3 Nor to be reminded of their smouldering resentments against this girl of their of age who was so ‘ lady-like ’ and ‘ nose-in-the-air ’ so that they might feel that she needed to be brought down a peg or two .
4 ‘ Is this the kind of thing you want , old thing ? ’ he enquired kindly , obviously feeling that she needed to be humoured .
5 ‘ It was the fact that you needed to be told that made telling you impossible . ’
6 And that me and my old pal Norman Whiteside were on a collision course with him , that we needed to be split up .
7 The teachers , however , decided that we needed to be kept busy over the long weekend and gave us lots of work to do .
8 Another alternative model for community economic development was raised , and the suggestion made that there needed to be consideration of and use of the public sector as a vehicle for community businesses servicing the Royal Victoria Hospital complex .
9 It was agreed that there needed to be substantial funding restored to both the Housing Executive and health service budget to improve the services they provide and to combat the ever increasing problems which are besetting our community .
10 The civil servants who drafted the first version of the Bill , the Green Book , were not united on any issue but the simple one that there needed to be reform at all .
11 It is understood that the Bank of England backed higher rates to protect the pound but was less convinced that they needed to be raised to cool down the economy any further .
12 He persuaded the dealers at the time a fiercely independent group of businessmen who did n't like the idea of belonging to any organisations that they needed to be heard by the government , museums , and collectors .
13 control contacted me yesterday to say that erm due to loss of system last week , and the fact that the Easter weekend erm is looming up on us , it means that they 've , they 've got insufficient time to run all the jobs that they needed to erm in the space that they , they would like to run them in .
14 Perhaps the most interesting point which arises from McCullough 's article is that it needed to be said .
15 Arette is a particularly neat , new-looking village , for the sufficient reason that it needed to be much rebuilt after an earthquake there in the summer of 1967 .
16 The adviser stressed that it needed to be a constructive exercise .
17 I knew that he needed to be alone to think about all that he had heard .
18 He had made the excuse that he needed to be there to greet the Prince of Wales , but making this pronouncement , which he had previously rehearsed many times , failed to fill him with the satisfaction he had anticipated .
19 County councillor Ray Flowers ( Lab ) said yesterday that whatever needed to be done would be done to make sure the bus service continues , but not at the expense of safety .
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