Example sentences of "for the home [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its fifty maps , according to county ( and especially when attractively coloured ) will fetch anything from £30 to £200 each , there being a greater demand for the Home Counties and certain others .
2 It 's well worth the money for the Home Counties English spoken by the very expert guide .
3 The development plans submitted by the local planning authorities for the Home Counties provide for a green belt , some 7 to 10 miles deep , all around the built-up area of Greater London .
4 One response to this and the funding crisis in the early 1980s was to introduce charges for the home help service , up to a weekly maximum , which varied from authority to authority , but was in the region of £2 .
5 They know , too , all the secret places of the bank : the nest of sandbags built during the War for the Home Guard ; the ruins of Marsh Edge Farm that lies in an angle of the tip hidden from the town ; the steps , cut in the slag-face , that lead down to the Ironworks Pier from which they can watch the boats .
6 I mean it stuck out like a sore thumb , I mean er by King George 's playing fields erm cos of the , they had n't the , th the , the s other story for that was as I said was we they sent er some of us to a class in Walsall for er aircraft recognition and er the days I went to this class , cos I went as er , er both for the factory and for the Home Guard , so that I could cover both the factory and when I were on duty , Home Guard and we was at a building on the corner of Corporation Street and west , and we was taking classes in there .
7 Erm but er when the war finished , when the war finished and the Home Guard stood down , I ca n't remember who was the mayor of Walsall at the time , but they had a reception in the town hall for the Home Guard and everyone that was in the Home Guard was invited before we hand before we st handed our uniforms in , was invited to attend and I must say with great pride that I was can still remember it now , that the wife and I went to the reception and I was in the uniform and it 'd be the mace bearer I presume that was at the door and he asked your name and er rank and he shouted out your name and rank when you went in and you was greeted by the mayor and mayoress inside the ves the hall of the town hall , and erm I mean er quite proud to be Corporal and Mrs you know and it I mean everyone that went , I mean their rank and name and who was with them , you know , was it was quite quite a er er quite a something of to look back to of interest that was , you know , when we stood down .
8 And er , then , we was all sorted out , this was the staple for the Home Guard , we was sorted out er to go to er er man the guns at Sutton-on-Sea , the er girder rockets .
9 Erm they er as airfields had to be protected they build some pillboxes , country pillboxes for the Home Guard at strategic points
10 My sister was sent off to boarding school near Bournemouth to improve her health and was near starved , but Mother always managed to find something for the home fare — I remember a great day when she found the butcher 's bare and bought a goose that was available and that we certainly should n't have had it in normal circumstances and I was quick to see it was an ill wind that did nobody any good !
11 And they each do for the home buyer and the estate agent the same sort of thing .
12 However , the two species described earlier are far superior and preferred for the home aquarium .
13 There are a number of other butterflyfish suitable for the home aquarium .
14 The actual principle of trickling water through a ‘ dry ’ media is easy for the home handyman to set up .
15 Water gardening is a relatively new activity for the home gardener .
16 Harris is now offering a range of stencils and paints for the home enthusiast , which will be widely available in d-i-y shops .
17 The visitors ' early grip in midfield assured a testing time of it for the home defence , and they ought to have secured a greater half-time advantage than that supplied them by Mixu Paatelainen 's glorious second-minute header .
18 Roberts ' elder brother David recently captained England Colts against Italy under 18s and is in the squad for the Home Internationals .
19 Macrovision plans to license the technology for use by hardware manufacturers and pay-per-view distributors such as cable , satellite , and telecommunications operators , making it easier for the home entertainment industry to control the home piracy threat against video-on-demand services .
20 Mr Devi Lal , for example , who had been lobbying hard for the home ministry to add to his deputy premiership , had to content himself with the agriculture ministry .
21 However , there is also the smaller PKT 14E , which has many uses for the home improver or hobbyist .
22 Ismael Kumi ( Iqbal & Co ) for the applicant ; David Pannick ( Treasury Solicitor ) for the Home Secretary .
23 For instance , it would be unlawful for the home secretary to require broadcasters to refrain from including a notice drawing attention to the ban .
24 Appearances : Anthony Lester QC and David Pannick instructed by Stephens Innocent for the journalists ; John Laws and Robert Jay instructed by the Treasury Solicitor for the Home Secretary .
25 Appearances : Ramby De Mello instructed by Bean McDonald , Birmingham for Mr Hussain and Miss Rafique ; John Laws instructed by the Treasury Solicitor for the Home Secretary .
26 It was time for them to put their houses in order , ‘ and for the Home Secretary to insist they do ’ .
27 It also posed a delicate problem for the Home Secretary himself , since Lord Scarman had been appointed by him to carry out his Inquiry .
28 Yet it is right for the Home Secretary , Kenneth Clarke , to offer a refuge to another 4,000 survivors from the Bosnian detention camps .
29 This was enough for the Home Secretary to send the case back for a fourth hearing to the Court of Appeal , with the recommendation that they summon Mathews as a witness to test his credibility .
30 The contention was that a co-ordinated approach was needed towards the treatment of offenders , and that it was not appropriate for the Home Secretary 's responsibilities for prisoners to be on a different basis from his other responsibilities .
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