Example sentences of "for a long period " in BNC.

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31 For a long period he seems to have been disturbed or disgusted by female sexuality , particularly as it was embodied in his wife , and to have established relationships with women in which the dominant note was one of camaraderie not unmixed with his desire for comfort or protection .
32 If an experiment produces animals that are to be kept for a long period , or that are to form the basis of a breeding colony .
33 For a long period before the 1970s they were Fordist ; in the 1970s/1980s period of structural change neo-Fordism came to dominate .
34 The first step in achieving this objective is to guarantee a place on Employment Training ( ET ) for everyone who has been out of work for a long period of time .
35 Under the latter system arable land was put under grass for a long period after which it was returned to arable .
36 The Teleuts , however , had been sovereign in their own domains for a long period before the Russians arrived on the scene .
37 At a buffet you ensure that elderly and infirm guests , and those who have travelled long distances , have seats near the buffet table so that they are not obliged to stand for a long period .
38 It is selected from the pages of the BDN , to which he was a frequent contributor and on whose editorial board he served for a long period : A combined system is one which includes all useful methods and techniques and adapts them and uses them according to the particular needs of the child .
39 Cessation of growth is most likely to result from starvation , which may arise because : the whelks eat out their food supply , or the supply fails for some other reason ( perhaps as a result of pollution Bryan ( 1969 ) ; wave action dislodges the whelks and transports them away from their food supply , or prevents them from feeding in some other way ( Cowell and Crothers , 1970 ) ; the temperature drops so low that the whelks become inactive for a long period ( Feare , 1970a ) .
40 This peak was not reached again for a long period , but by 1989 it had reached 76.4 per cent ( Employment Gazette , November 1989 ) .
41 It is only if a strike remains in the news for a long period that anything of its history or underlying causes will emerge and then only in the ‘ quality ’ press , rarely on television or in the tabloid newspapers where most people obtain their information .
42 The surrounding catchment area at first contributes little but clear run-off , and the lake water remains oligotrophic for a long period .
43 British case at least , the problem of national or ethnic difference was masked for a long period by development occurring in the peripheries at the same rate and in similar ways to development in industrial England .
44 The importance of Stonyditch Point as the end of the spit for a long period is emphasised by the position of Orford , which was well situated as a port when the Ness ended at Stonyditch Point and not in its present position some miles to the south .
45 Students often hesitate to let a rhythmic design run on for a long period , fearing monotony ; they therefore begin something different every few bars , sometimes in the belief that changing words need a constantly changing accompaniment .
46 And these were the type of conditions that our members worked in , whilst at the same time the management provided plastic roofing you know , but it was n't efficient and it was cold and bitterly cold if I might say so erm for a long period .
47 One fishing vessel that we had been watching for a long period had more than one narrow escape from detection by British controls , but was finally turned back by Dutch customs patrols shortly after leaving a Continental port with a cargo of immigrants on board bound for the UK .
48 They bridge the gap between the desire of lenders to be able to get their money back quickly , and the desire of borrowers to borrow for a long period .
49 In the Chandni Chowk shopkeepers boarded up their premises , buried their treasure and prepared for a long period of unrest .
50 The reason for all this is because carp are very hard fish to catch and carp fishermen fish for a long period of time often a few nights and days .
51 We have made it clear for a long period that we believe that devolution or independence would damage very severely the degree of inward investment into Scotland and the degree of self-generating investment within Scotland as well .
52 Those and many other pressures may distract them from remaining for a long period in the Territorial Army .
53 " I love foliage and I think you have to rely a lot on that in small gardens because you do n't have room to leave dormant areas where nothing is happening for a long period , " she says .
54 Leah bore him children , but Rachel was barren for a long period during which Jacob had children by her maidservant before she eventually gave birth to Joseph and then Benjamin .
55 By this time , Lou and Charlie had moved too — the business had been running down for a long period and there was no point in staying in a flat over a shop that did n't exist any more .
56 It then lends the money to house purchasers for a long period of time by granting mortgages ( typically these are paid back over 20 to 30 years ) .
57 The landlord requires security of income for a long period , and this is specially desirable where the landlord is an investing institution which pays out pensions or insurance policies , because a period of twenty-five years ' secure income facilitates the actuarial calculations necessary in order to determine the level of payments which the landlord can make .
58 In addition , income security for a long period decreases the risks associated with the investment .
59 If all had gone well the husband would have earned very large sums for a long period so that he could have maintained them at least at their standard of living at the time of his death , and made other provisions for the future .
60 If the file is likely to be out of the sling for a long period put a note in the sling itself to show the new location .
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