Example sentences of "was [adv] refer to " in BNC.

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1 And like any dangerous idea , this one was eventually referred to a committee .
2 This was eventually referred to the Standing Committee for further study and recommendations .
3 It would n't surprise me to hear it was locally referred to as the sugar sifter ( a metaphor at last ! ) , one of those useless gadgets dispensing too little or too much in cheap cafés .
4 The Soviet Union decided to endorse the expulsion of Escalante : Castro was henceforth referred to as ‘ comrade ’ and Cuba 's place in the Soviet bloc was officially acknowledged when it was listed along with the other ’ socialist' states in the traditional May Day slogans .
5 Academic opinion was divided as to the merits of the house ; and Lady Birk , the minister involved , was constantly to refer to ‘ other voices ’ who whispered behind closed doors that the house was not worth saving .
6 November 1697 , will always be associated with Chiswick , although he was constantly referred to , in his day , as ‘ Mr. Hogarth of Leicester Fields ’ — the name by which Leicester Square was known at that time — as that was his business centre and where he worked before he married .
7 I said walkers should make a courtesy check with estates when doing a specific trek in Wester Ross , but I was only referring to the peak of the stalking period — mid-August to mid October — and not the whole year . ,
8 P.S. I assume Tertje was only referring to players that have *left* Leeds in his time as a supporter when naming Cuntona as the most important person to have filled a Leeds shirt .
9 , he was only referring to his fear of Jack .
10 In other words , Bukharin was cautiously calling for curbs on Stalin 's power , even if he was not referred to by name .
11 However , the contested takeover of Imperial by Hanson was not referred to the MMC as it did not adversely affect competition or the ‘ public interest ’ .
12 A revised merger proposal between UB and Imperial , which involved disposing of Imperial 's Golden Wonder subsidiary , thus reducing market share in the snack foods market , was not referred to MMC and hence both bids were allowed to proceed .
13 Section 2(3) was not referred to in the judgment in J. Barber & Sons v.
14 Vital information was not referred to ministers , which meant the puzzle of warnings was never put together .
15 Mr Gow made it clear that he was not referring to small men in any literal sense .
16 His subsequent disclaimer that he was not referring to the British nuclear deterrent , which was closely integrated in the Strategic Air Command 's target planning , but to de Gaulle 's Force de Frappe , lacked conviction — it was too near the truth for British comfort !
17 If Pindar in the Thirteenth Olympian meant anything at all by saying that the Muses breathed sweetly over Corinth , he was not referring to his own day but perhaps to that of the Corinthian Arion who invented the dithyramb .
18 She had a distinctly uncomfortable feeling that he was not referring to the fight which had followed that little incident .
19 I was not referring to a press report of the Robert George case .
20 I was not referring to my right hon. Friend the Member for Croydon , South ( Sir W. Clark ) .
21 Obviously he was not referring to obstetrical anaesthesia , in which controversy thrives .
22 Apart from this reference , and despite all the subsequent exchanges between AFHQ and subordinate commands on both Cossacks and Yugoslavs which were to follow in succeeding days , AFHQ was not to refer to Robertson 's order again .
23 As Derrida ( 1978b , p. 234 ) noted , Artaudian theatre was not to refer to life or represent life but instead to be life .
24 Whoever 's fault it actually was , the French aggressors , perhaps appropriately , were eventually blamed , for syphilis was generally referred to thereafter as the ‘ morbus gallicus ’ .
25 Lhote , who had already established a certain independent reputation , mixed cautiously in Cubist circles , but from 1911 onwards was generally referred to as a Cubist , although his somewhat academic style often gained him exemption from the unfavourable criticism directed at the other painters .
26 ‘ I think , ’ I said , ‘ that we ( I was hopefully referring to others who might be recruited ) can do better than merely seeking charitable funds . ’
27 The Royal Institute of British Architects , as it was usually referred to , although the Royal prefix was only officially conferred in 1866 , certainly answered the need for a professional organization .
28 Philip 's father had served in the Irish Guards in the First World War , and was always referred to by his rank .
29 It was what would be shown on the screens of the new theatres that would ultimately determine what was always referred to as ‘ the tone ’ of the movies as a social custom .
30 For some reason he was always referred to as " The Threarah " — perhaps because there happened to be only one threar , or rowan , near the warren , from which he took his name .
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