Example sentences of "was [adj] doubt [conj] " in BNC.

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1 There was little doubt that tactical support and reconnaissance for the land battle would still need piloted machines .
2 There was little doubt that the crowning , vexed with political and religious implications and problems as it was , had popular approval .
3 But although there was little doubt that many of the latter ideas were attractive in terms of pollution , their practicality was a matter for some debate .
4 Fast , quick-witted and determined as a player , demanding and insistent as a manager , there was little doubt that he would snatch his career back from the brink of failure .
5 However , there was little doubt that it would happen , and that this revolution will change the world .
6 There was little doubt that his bellow would reach them .
7 There was little doubt that she would marry again and hopefully it would prove a more comfortable arrangement .
8 The Soviet Union possessed a veto in the Security Council but there was little doubt that the United States could convince the UN General Assembly to accept a proposal of reasonable character .
9 There was little doubt that Britain could continue to be successful , but certain adjustments were thought necessary to bring this about .
10 Yet , beguiling as these songs may have been , there was little doubt that the success of Culture Club was based largely on the curious popular appeal of Boy George himself .
11 There was little doubt that Radcliffe proposed to call George Brown , who would have made an uncomfortable witness , and probably a damaging one for the party .
12 There was little doubt that Burun understood the reservation which was embodied in the greeting .
13 There was little doubt that there were men who were as eligible , whose names would have aroused less comment .
14 By then , not merely was much more known about light , heat , electricity and magnetism , but the knowledge was unified with a powerful theoretical structure , so that while chemistry had seemed the fundamental science to many at the beginning of the century , by the end of it there was little doubt that this position belonged to physics .
15 Irritating though it was to admit it , there was little doubt that Rune Christensen 's ability to handle the whole situation between Svend and Suzie would be superior to her own .
16 There was little doubt that when this liberalization took effect there would be a rush for places in the Chinese " special economic zones " where Taiwan 's major problems of high labour costs and the limited availability of land did not exist .
17 Footprints , found in soft mud under the scaffolding , had been photographed and casts made though there was little doubt that they belonged to the victim , not the killer .
18 While this has just been confirmed for the next 10 years , until recently there was some doubt as to whether it would be renewed .
19 Although women over thirty gained the vote in 1918 , there was some doubt as to whether women were eligible to stand for Parliament .
20 Before the Act , there was some doubt as to whether or not a person had to be aware that his conduct or language was or might be regarded as being threatening , abusive or insulting .
21 There was some doubt as to whether the cleaner was an independent contractor , but the occupiers were held liable as they had failed to take reasonable steps to check that the work had been reasonably done : " The craft of the charwoman may have its mysteries but there is no esoteric quality in the nature of the work which the cleaning of a snow covered step demands . "
22 I do n't think there was any doubt that over the year we were the best team in Scotland , ’ he said .
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